Chapter Four

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"Can you come over to my house tomorrow night around 7?" he bite his lip.

"Of course!" a light turned on in my house.

He pointed to the window with the light glowing in it. I hugged him and ran back in my house, to my bed.

I couldn't sleep at all, I was up all night thinking what was going to happen tomorrow night.


Around 12 in the afternoon Delia and I walked around out neighborhood. Today there was construction on one side of the street. So we had to walk in the direction where Matthew lived.

I saw Matthew wasn't home. He hasn't been home all day. And he hasn't text me all day so I don't know about tonight.

When me and Delia got home I noticed Matthew pull up into his driveway, and another girl get out of the car. I wasn't jealous, I was just curious why he still hasn't called off me going over to his house.

I looked back towards Matthew and saw him and the girl kissing.

I ignored it and texted Matthew.

Me: I have to watch Delia so our plans have to be off sorry.

Matthew: Dude that sucks. :( maybe next time?


I wanted to throw up. How could he want to hangout after he kissed another girl?

5 years ago...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum