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Likes: 1,388
Comments: 291
Tagged: @haleyrenalds

@haleyrenaldssecrets: remember when i told about Haley's brother, het suicide attempt, her depression and eating disorder? Well this is ten times worse.

Many of you don't know this but when all of this was going on with Haley, she had a boyfriend. It was serious-ish, but he treated her completely 'wrong' , he used to hit her when she didn't do what he said and he used to shout at her all the time for doing something wrong. People who know Haley in real life, back in high school probably always wondered why she was always wearing long sleeves, or never wearing shorts. Well here's you're awnser: one night he wanted to take 'the next step' with Haley but she didn't want to. He got mad and beat her up real bad. She had bruises all over her arms and legs.

Feel bad for her? Right now you do, but after you hear this you won't.

One night he came over and started beating her up 'for reasons still unknown' and Haley couldn't take it anymore, and bit back. Not literally of course. She yelled and screamed at him, she couldn't take it anymore and let every stupid thing she could think of slip. Eventually she said, as i recall 'the earth would be a better place without you. You don't deserve anyone, look how you treated me." And he just stayed silent and left.

Would've been cute for him to see this, but to bad he can't. Because he's dead.

He committed suicide two days after their fight.

@user4: Penelope's in jail?????

@user7: who is 'he'
—> @Haleyrenaldssecrets: for me a know and for you to find out @user7

@arianagrande: its honestly really fucked up that you posted this.

@user5: agreed!! @arianagrande

@user9: Haley couldn't have prevented him committing suicide, he was in the wrong and it was his choice to end it all. Don't blame Haley for something that happened so long ago!

@user1: hold up i thought Penelope ran this account, but she's in jail right??

@haleyrenalds: ..

@user2: i feel really bad for Haley :(

@user03: go to hell @haleyrenaldssecrets
—> @haleyrenaldssecrets: i'm already there

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One new DM from @arianagrande


@arianagrande: hey boo, are you okay?

@haleyrenalds: no

@arianagrande: i don't know what exactly happened with you and you're ex, but just know it wasn't you're fault okay❤️

@haleyrenalds: thank you <3

@arianagrande: if there is ever anything know that i'm here to talk okay?

@haleyrenalds: yeah, okay, thanks ❤️

@arianagrande: ❤️


Its been two days since the post, almost immediately after the post i called and texted Noah. He didn't reply, he did see it, but didn't reply and i started to get really worried.

I was on my phone when the doorbell rang, when i opened it. I saw it was Noah.

"I owe you an explanation.." He said quiet

"Uh, yeah you do." I said mean and bossy, "But come in," i said on a more nicer tone, but Noah just stayed outside.

"Haley, i-" He was starting to explain when i cut him off

"Noah what the hell is going on?!" I said worried

"Haley i'm running the hate account!" He yelled. I covered my mouth with my hands and felt tears forming in my eyes. Before i knew it i slammed the door right in Noah's face. But the door didn't close, Noah held it open.

"Haley.. please let me explain-" He said calmly before i cut him off

"No! There's nothing to explain! You exposed me, my secrets, how the hell did you even know about my ex boyfriend?!" I yelled. I wanted to punch him so bad, but i held myself back.

"PENELOPE!" Noah shouted and i just looked at him confused,

"What?" I said on a more normal tone

"She called me from prison. She said i needed to take over the account or when she got out of prison she'd hurt you, and i couldn't let you get hurt, not again." Noah said with tears in his eyes

"What the hell?!" I said angry, "So Penelope told you everything? Everything about him.." I said holding back the tears

"No.. I don't even know his name. She told me what i needed to write in the caption and thats all i know-" He said but i cut him off, again.

"Noah i- i need some time right now.. sorry" I said and closed the door in his face. A few seconds later i fell down against the door, crying. The guy i loved betrayed me, he exposed me.


I woke up on the couch the next morning at 6:45 AM, i got up, walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Well i look like shit." I said to myself looking at my dripping mascara, bed hair and crusty lips. I was thinking about Noah again, i knew he wanted to protect me and yet it didn't feel like protection.

When i cleaned myself up i grabbed my MacBook and locked myself in my room. I opened a new tab and typed in

I had a recommendation, a movie called "to all the boys i've loved before" the cover looked cute, i wanted to click on it but then i remembered Noah played in it too. Oh god, i really miss him. I got tears in my eyes but clicked on the movie anyway.

I watched the whole film. It overall got 3.8 out of 5 stars, but i really loved it unlike most people. Lara Jean was funny and really cute, god if a Lara Jean really existed Noah probably would've cheated on me thousands and thousands of times. She was everything i wasn't, and had everything i didn't and Peter Pavinsky, well, he was nothing like Noah in real life, Peter is just hot and Noah is just a big dork.

The dork i love.


This is such a long chapter!! Almost 1000 words, i hope this makes up for me not updating for 3 days :/❤️❤️

Love you guys xoxo


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