The two friends from each school

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Meanwhile, a few hours after the gang had all met Rex Raptor and Joey had a duel with him and defeated him for good, it was nighttime and the gang had all actually started being in good terms with Mai Valentine because of her help for providing them food and care. It was then that Mai decided to take a moment alone to think, and all everyone did was just stare at the campfire bored. Tea just thought about her little sister, worried that something bad might have happened to her... 
'I hope Lea's okay.' She thought to herself, before she sighed and looked at her staff for a moment. 
"Man, oh man." Joey suddenly spoke up, before he yawned tiredly. 
"I'm fadin' fast here." 
"Don't you think we should check on Mai?" Tea suggested to the guys. 
"Good idea." Yugi agreed.
"She has been gone for a while." Tristan chimed in. 
"It's probably some trap." Joey replied, before something was heard from the bushes. Tea screamed as the noise startled her. 
"What was that?!" Yugi exclaimed, as Joey and Tristan both stood up to see what was coming from the bushes. 
"Yep. Bet you she's been waiting there the whole time. Come on out, Mai!" Joey demanded, but instead of it being Mai inside the bushes... It was the two familiar people that Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Lea had known from each school: Ryou Bakura and Jill Fernandez! 
"It's Bakura!" Yugi exclaimed.
"And Lea's best friend from her school! Jill!" Tristan chimed in, as he eyed Jill. 
"Hey." Jill greeted, with a shrug. 
"See? I told you! I haven't just been seeing things." Tea exclaimed happily, as she knew that she had actually seen Bakura! 
"What are you doing way out here, Bakura?!" Joey asked Bakura. 
"Same as you guys, I guess." Bakura answered, with a shrug. 
"Me too." Jill chimed in, with a nod. 
"You gave us a scare sneaking around those bushes." Tristan said. 
"Yeah. For a minute there, we actually thought we had something to worry about. Pretty silly, huh?" Joey replied to Tristan, laughing. 
It was then that Jill eyed Tea, so she began talking to her, "Hey, you're Lea's older sister Tea, aren't you?" 
Tea was surprised by that question, so she slowly nodded. 
"Well, if Lea has been talking about someone named Jill Fernandez, that's me." 
Tea's eyes widened, and she stared at Jill in awe for a moment. To her, Jill was even more beautiful than she had expected her to be. 
"You're Jill? Well then, you're actually even prettier than I thought you were!" Tea said in awe, which made Jill blush a little. 
"Well, thanks." She replied, before she held out her hand with a smile on her face. 
"It's nice to meet you finally." She said, before Tea took her hand and shook it. 
"Nice to meet you too." She smiled, before they both let go of each other's hands. 
"By the way, where's Lea?" Jill suddenly asked, which made Tea frown and she slowly looked down to the ground in sadness... 
Jill then noticed Tea's expression, so she asked firmly, "Tea, where is Lea? Why the hell isn't she with you? What happened to her?!"
Tea looked up at Jill and answered solemnly, "Lea... was taken by Pegasus." 
With that answer, Jill's eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock. Then she became angry and balled her hand up into a fist, and she clenched it with anger. 
'God! I knew Pegasus was a criminal! If I find him, I'll arrest him!' She thought to herself angrily, before she spoke out loud. 
"Do you guys have any idea on why Pegasus took her?!" She asked the gang, getting really furious. 
Joey stepped in and answered Jill's question firmly in explanation, "Yes. When Yugi had a duel with some guy who was pretending to be Kaiba, well Mokuba, who is actually Kaiba's little brother was all scared and Lea wanted to comfort him, so she threateningly pointed her staff at that asshole Kemo, who held Mokuba captive, and she demanded him to let Mokuba go, but then Kemo gave her an option that she'll surrender her staff if she wants to comfort Mokuba. It was hard on Lea, but she felt like she had no choice but to surrender if she wanted to be there for Mokuba. Then when the duel was over, we just couldn't see Mokuba and Lea anywhere, and our guess is that Kemo actually tricked us and took them in Pegasus' castle as their prisoners." 
With that, he let out a sigh. 
Jill was stunned to hear the story that Joey was telling her, and so her tears suddenly started to form in her eyes. Her best friend had just been taken prisoner! Bakura placed a comforting hand on her shoulder when he noticed her sadness. 
Then everyone all sat down in front of the campfire, and as soon as they did, Jill just stared at the fire, feeling depressed as she was thinking about Lea. 
"So, how did you and Lea become friends, Jill?" Tea asked Jill. 
"Well, i was just 6 years old, and Lea was just 5. It was just a year after my mother died." Jill answered, as she remembered the time she met Lea...
"When I saw those thugs hassling her and making fun of her, I was furious and I wanted to help, so I ran over to them and told them to stop." Came Jill's voice, as she story-told what happened.
"Stop it!" The very young Jill demanded, as she stomped her foot in anger, and it caused the thugs to turn around to look at her surprised. 
"Who the hell are you?" One of them asked. 
Jill just stood there with her hands to her hips, and she had a bold look on her face as she said with a firm tone, "I swear to God, if you guys don't stop bothering her, I'm going to call my father and have him arrest you guys and then you'll be sentenced to prison for harassment in 5 years. Do I make myself clear?!" 
One of them laughed and then he said, "Please! Arrest us? You're just a kid! How are you gonna arrest us?" 

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now