Meeting Duke Devlin and his adopted sister

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Meanwhile, the gang had just arrived at the Dungeon Dice Monsters game shop. Yugi was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with a grey vest, he also had black jeans and was wearing dark blue shoes. Joey was wearing a blue denim jacket with a white shirt underneath, even he had black jeans and was wearing black shoes. Tristan wore a black sweater with a white shirt underneath, he wore blue jeans and had dark brown shoes. Tea wore a white leather sweater with a purple shirt underneath, she wore a pink mini-skirt along with light brown boots, and she also wore a purple bracelet on her left wrist. Lea wore a light blue cardigan with a long-sleeved white buttoned-up blouse underneath, she also wore a dark blue skirt along with light brown shoes and long white socks. 
"I can't believe that dice guy owns this place! Looks like he spends a major molar. Too bad he's gonna be closing it down." Joey snarked, before he snickered to himself in excitement and ran towards the game shop. The others just sighed.  
"Joey's hearts in the right place, it's his head I'm worried about." Tea remarked. 
"Yeah, if his head gets any bigger he's gonna get it stuck in the front door." Tristan agreed. 
"I hope he doesn't." Lea hoped, before she and the others walked inside the game shop. 
"Welcome to Duke Devlin'a game world. Mr. Devlin was beginning to worry about you. Follow me." The man greeted Joey, before all of a sudden... 
"Hi, guys!" Came a young woman's voice, as she suddenly showed up. She was a very beautiful young woman with long dark chocolate brown hair that fell to her waist, she had brown eyes, and she oddly had a bit of a resemblance to Lea, but older. She was wearing a light blue vest that was left buttoned up with a short-sleeved buttoned-up white blouse underneath, and blue jean shorts. She also had black boots and was wearing a Christian necklace. Her name was Marcella Luna, and she was about the same age as Yugi, Joey, Tristan, and Tea. 
"Hi, Marcella!" The others greeted her back, while Lea just stared at her in awe. 
'Wow! She's so pretty!' She thought, in awe. 
"So, how are you all doing?" Marcella asked the gang, before she suddenly glanced down at Lea, and she smiled when she saw her. 
"You're Tea's little sister Lea, aren't you?" 
Lea blushed, and she slowly nodded. Marcella knelt down to her height, and gave her a ruffle to her hair. 
"I'm Marcella Luna. Nice to meet you. You're even cuter than I thought." She smiled, which made Lea blush more harder. 
"T-thank you." She stuttered shyly, and Marcella giggled while smiling softly. Then she noticed Lea's crystal necklace. 
"Wow, and your necklace is so pretty." She exclaimed, as she touched the necklace and looked at it in admiration. Then she looked up at Lea and noticed her cheeks dusting a pale shade of pink when she thought about the time when Mokuba gave her the necklace, so she smirked. 
"It's a boy, isn't it?" Marcella asked, which made Lea surprised when she asked that. 
"A boy. Did he give you that necklace? Cause surely guys usually give pretty jewelry to their girls." 
Lea moved her eyes from side to side, and she answered meekly, "Y-yeah. He gave it to me." 
Marcella giggled to herself, and she said, "Well, I bet he's so cute."  
Lea blushed so hard when Marcella said that. 
'He's even cuter than you think he is.' She thought, before Marcella suddenly stood back up and faced the man who greeted Joey. 
"I'll guide them." She told him, and the man nodded in agreement. 
"Thank you, Luna." 
Marcella nodded in reply, then she faced the gang and gestured for them to follow her. She guided them to the elevator, and as soon as they arrived there... There was her adoptive brother Duke Devlin, who appeared to be smug, and it made Marcella roll her eyes. Duke was about the same age as his adopted sister, he had long black hair that was held up in a ponytail, he had a red and black headband that was on his forehead, he also wore a red vest with a black tank top underneath, and he wore black pants with black shoes. He also wore a dice earring on his left ear, and he had yellow rings that almost reached his shoulders along with brown wristbands on both of his wrists. 
"Ah, you showed up." Duke greeted Joey, before he glanced at Marcella and his eyes widened. 
"Oh, hey, sis." He said, sheepishly. 
Marcella walked over to her adoptive brother, and she glared at him as she pointed her finger at him, "I'm warning you, Duke! You better treat Joey with respect and do what he says as soon as he wins! Otherwise... Well, you know what'll happen if you don't do it!" 
Duke sighed, "Whatever you say, Marcella." 
Marcella huffed, then she turned around to face Joey, and she smiled when she told him, "The dueling ring is on sub-level 6. Your chariot awaits." 
She gestured to the box that contained the deck of cards as Duke said, "Go ahead, Mr. Wheeler. Choose your packs carefully. We'll build our own decks from these new cards." 
"Heh! Come to papa!" Joey smirked, as he knelt down in front of the box and picked up some cards as he examined them for a moment. 
'Which pack is the best? I gotta fill the energy.' He thought, as he slowly ripped the wrapper. 
'Come on!' He thought tensely, as he slowly brought the cards to his face so he can examine them... Then he smirked with pride! 
'Oh yeah! Get a load of these babies! Joey's struck gold!' 
"Did you get some good cards?" Yugi suddenly asked Joey. 
"Don't worry about it. This match is in the bag!" Joey replied confidently, before the elevator door suddenly opened in front of the gang. 
"Are we there?" Joey asked, before he and the others saw that they were finally at the dueling arena, and there were three cheerleaders cheering for Duke. One had wavy brown hair, another had short dark blonde hair, and another was a short plump girl with big lips. 
"Give me a D! Give me a U! Give me a K! Give me an E! Go, Duke!" The cheerleaders chanted, and it made Marcella roll her eyes. 
"I hate those girls!" She murmured, under her breath. 
"This place is huge!" Joey breathed, in awe. 
"Actually, this is the smallest ring of the place. But it does have all the bells and whistles." Duke explained, as he and the gang got out of the elevator. 

"Duke! Duke! He's our man! If he can't do it, nobody can! Go, Duke!" The cheerleaders chanted again. 
"Oh, shut up!" Marcella snapped at the girls, irritably. 
"Take camera 1 in position." An announcer suddenly announced, as the T.V. cameras moved. 
"T.V. cameras?" Joey asked, confusedly. 
"Yeah. I have a little theory that the bigger the audience, the better the performance. That's why I've decided to broadcast this match live to the entire world. I know my fans will enjoy watching me defeat the second best Duelist. I just hope you really are second best, not second rate." Duke explained, arrogantly. 
Joey scoffed and said, "Second rate? Second rate?! You're gonna need a second life! Cause when I'm through with you, Dukey, there won't be anything left!" 
What Joey said made the cheerleaders cry worriedly. 
"Don't worry, I've never disappointed my loyal fans yet." Duke reassured them, and the cheerleaders were all happy and they chanted more joyfully. 
"Duke! Duke! He's our man! If he can't do it, nobody can!" 
Marcella and the gang were all annoyed at the cheerleaders' chanting, and Marcella said, "Just beat his ass, Joey! So those girls can get out of our fucking lives!" 
"Be quiet, Marcella! You're just jealous because I have more fans than you do!" Duke snapped, and the cheerleaders cheered some more and teased Marcella. 
"Duke! Duke! He's better than his sister!" 
"Jealous? Who says I'm jealous, huh?!" Marcella snapped back. 
"I do!" 
Marcella took out her switchblade from her pocket, and she pointed it at Duke, which made the others shocked that she had pulled out a blade. 
"Duke Devlin, I swear to God! I will give a fucking scar to your face! Don't test me!" She threatened, darkly. 
The siblings glared at each other for a moment, until Joey suddenly went between them and said confidently, "Ah, don't worry, Marcella. I'll beat his ass for sure." 
"You better, Joey." Marcella said firmly, as she put her switchblade back in her pocket. Then she touched his shoulder and looked at him firmly. 
"May the Force be with you." 
Joey smiled softly when she said that, but Duke rolled his eyes. 
"Again with the Star Wars quotes?" He asked, slightly annoyed. 
"Yes! I quote what I want, when I want! Get used to it!" Marcella snapped.

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now