Quick Author's Note

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Hello lovely reader :)

I know you much rather read my fabulous story (okay, probably not), but I need to put this author note in. My last chapter was even longer than the one before, and I didn't want to put what I need to say at the end of it.

As you may recall, Kaitlyn found out her dad got in an accident. Without even seeing how bad the damages were or if he was hurt, she felt guilty and went to a party at her ex-friend Farrah's. Kaitlyn got DRUNK.

I know this is for the story, and in real life teenagers do drink, but I am ABSOLUTELY against teen drinking. Especially when teens get drunk and start doing stupid things that cause trouble later on. The drinking age is 21 for a reason. Just because I wrote about teen drinking doesn't mean I support it, and I wanted to make that clear for everyone reading this story!!

In fact, this is one chapter I hope I wrote badly because I would have no idea what drunkenness feels like.

So, now you know how I feel about the events in that last chapter, and I can breath more easily now :) Peace and love, and prayers for Kaitlyn!


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