Ch. 22 - The Mission

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A warp pad glowed, revealing Lapis Peridot and James, who was wearing a grey coat with white fur on it, along with Pearl, Steven and Connie on top of Lion, dressed in their coats from last time they arrived at this place.

Steven: "Here we are! The Frozen North!"

Peridot: "Ugh, here we go again..."

Lapis: "I can't help but feel happy after coming back here and admire the place."

James: "Another one for your "Meep Morps" I guess?"

He asked, smirking at her.

Lapis: "You could say that..."

James looked around, seeing nothing but trees and snow everywhere as he took a step, seeing it reach up to his knees.

James: "Now I get why this place is called the Frozen North, feels like I'm stepping in ten feet of snow."

Lapis then helped her partner out of the snow as he blushed a little in embarrassment.

Connie: "Looks the same since the last time we came here looking for two corrupted gems instead of one."

She said as she puts on her winter goggles.

Pearl: "Alright everyone! Let's check what we have in case we forgot, water?"

James: "Check."

Pearl: "Clothes?"

Connie: "Checkeroo!"

Pearl: "Food?"

Steven: "I got that covered! We have survival snacks for energy! A bag for us and one for James."

He said, handing it to him as he opened it.

James: "Apple Juice cans and Blueberry energy bars?"

Steven: "I thought it would be nice since the wrapping is blue."

The boy said with a chuckle as James smiled.

James: "You know me so well..."

Connie jumped off of Lion, and cautiously looked around.

Connie: "Do you remember where you last saw the corrupted gem, Peridot?"

Peridot: "Well, based on my memory of the location from where I spotted it last...I have no idea..."

Everyone groaned at her as James facepalmed.

James: "I thought you said you knew where it was!"

Peridot: "I was terrified after seeing that thing, alright!? Would you forget where you are after seeing a big hulking scary gem come out of nowhere?"

James: "Uh, no? I'd rather stand my ground and fight."

He argued as Peridot and James glared daggers at each other while Lapis cut in between the two.

Pearl: "It doesn't matter now, we still have a gem to find since we're Here, so let's all just stay vigilant..."

James sighed, seeing she had a point.

James: "Pearl's right guys, we should-AGH!"

Suddenly, James felt a slight pain as he held his chest, dropping to his knees, making everyone look at him.

Steven: "Oh jeez!"

Pearl: "James!"

She yelled as her and Lapis helped him up.

Connie: "Is he having a stroke!?"

She asked, freaking out.

Lapis: "What's wrong?"

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