clay pigeons

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Two Snickers bars. That's all it takes to get the school secretary to print out another student's schedule, no questions asked. That's how I know that Jude is in Ceramics class right now. I've decided that he's the perfect guy to keep Annika in Lincoln. Sure, he's kind of a boob, but so am I and I'm pretty sure she likes me. Armed with determination, I'm headed to find him right now.

When I reach the art room, I realize that I'm going to have to sneak past the teacher to get in. She'll know I don't belong there and send me back to my class. I flip my hood up over my head and cinch the drawstrings, trying to hide as much as my face as possible. This doesn't look suspicious at all.

Peeking in quickly, I see Jude at a table all the way in the back, surrounded by a crapload of... are those birds? While the grey-haired teacher's back is turned, I make my move. I slip in and make my way around by shifting only when she does, staying just out of sight. When she turns around suddenly, I hide behind a posable body form. She can't see me.

I is sly. I is stealthy. I is invincib...

"Poesy?" Jude spots me.

"Cover blown," I whisper to the invisible gadget on my wrist. I hold my finger up to my lips, trying to get him to shut his trap long enough for me to creep over to him.

Ducking behind the table, I crouch right next to him. "Hey Jude," I beam.

"What are you doing here?" He whispers, checking to see if the teacher noticed me.

"I had to find you," I say, placing my hand on his thigh and looking deep into his hazel eyes. "Jude, you're the one."

"What?" he scoffs.

"You have to make Annika fall in love with you."

He shakes his head and laughs quietly. "What are you talking about?" He plucks one of the ceramic birds off the table and brushes grey strokes of paint over its rust-colored head.

"She thinks you're cute," I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"She was drunk."

"She said it yesterday when she was not drunk."

"Okay, and what if I don't think she's cute?"

I roll my eyes. "Dude, be real. She's... Annika."

"And what would I get out of it?"

"Again, Annika. She's the hottest girl in our school. Plus, She's got like a gazillion followers on Instagram."

"I don't care about that stuff."

Yeah, me either, but I have a list of positives a mile long.

"She's also super cool and funny."

"Not gonna happen, Poesy."

My legs are going numb crouching like this but I'm not taking no for an answer. I try to adjust myself but my shoulder knocks the tabletop, causing one of the birds to topple off and crash to the floor. It's head rolls against the wall. Jude closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose with his pointer and thumb.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry. I broke your bird."

"It's a pigeon," he sighs.

I pick up the bird and its head and inspect the pieces. "Clay pigeons, I get it." I attempt to piece them back together, fitting the grooves like a puzzle piece. "I'm sorry, I'll glue it."

"Nah, it's okay. That's kinda what clay pigeons are for." He smiles a little and I smile back.

Someone clears their throat above the table. Peering over, I realize it's the art teacher. With one superbly bushy eyebrow raised, she scowls at me. Careful not to destroy the rest of his bird project, I push myself to stand.

"I don't think you belong here, Ms. Bosler," she scolds, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I just had to... uh... give this back to Jude." I hand him the broken pigeon and its severed head. She eyes the broken bird and then looks back up to my cinched hood. She isn't buying my lame excuse or my innocent puppy dog face. Her eyes nearly roll out of her head.

"Back to class."

I nod and look to Jude. "Just think about it," I whisper, adding an exaggerated wink at the end.

"The answer is no," he calls after me as I walk out.


After the last bell rings, I wait by Annika's locker. Every Monday and Wednesday, she gives me a ride to work. I can already feel the dread building up deep in my chest for the four torturous hours that I'll spend there today.

I spot her down the hall. Her long caramel hair bounces and sways as she throws her head back in laughter. I wonder for a second what she's laughing at, but then I see the tall boy walking next to her and my heart leaps with excitement. Perhaps, he changed his mind after all.

"Hey Poe," she says, "look who found me."

"Hey," He offers me a sly smile. "Poesy was it?"

I shoot him a look that says, very funny. While Annika is busy in her locker, he ruffles the top of my hair like I'm a little kid and I kick him. We continue making faces at each other until she turns around and then we pretend to smile.

"So What are you guys up to today?" He asks.

"I'm taking Poesy to work," Annika tells him.

"Oh, where do you work?"

"Becky's Burger Bar," I say slowly hoping he gets the hint that I want him to meet me there so we can discuss his change of heart.

Annika grimaces at the mention of my workplace. "It's so gross there. Are you a vegan, Jude?"

He looks to me like he's waiting for me to answer for him, then mutters, "no."

I wait for Annika to go into a full-blown lecture about why Jude should convert, but she doesn't. This takes me by surprise as I've never known Annika to ever let anyone slide. She lectures me about eating meat almost daily, insisting I wean myself off. She tells me how much better I'll feel. I did try it. I fell off the wagon four hours later, when my dad ordered beef and broccoli from my favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner.

"We'd better get going," I tell Annika. "I have a meeting today at work," I emphasize the last bit just in case Jude didn't catch my earlier hint.

"A meeting?" Annika scoffs.

"It's more of a brainstorm on how many pickles should be on the burgers. I'm thinking one. They're like, the least important topping," I trail off, not really sure how far I plan on taking this story.

"I disagree. A burger is nothing without at least two pickles," Jude argues.

"Oh, come on," I caw, reeling for a debate. I could debate about anything, especially topics as meaningful as pickles. Jude looks fired up too as he watches my reaction with a wicked grin.

"Great, Poesy," Annika interrupts. "You managed to find someone just as weird as you."

He shakes his head. "No way. I'm nowhere near as weird as her."

The statement makes Annika giggle and her eyes kinda sparkle when she looks at him. For the first time, I feel like this plan has a real shot at working out.

Offering a curtesy, I gladly accept the number one spot on the weirdo-board.

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