true romance

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"Popcorn, no butter. Swedish Fish," I list out all of Annika's favorite movie snacks to Jude as we walk toward the theater. His long stride makes it nea,rly impossible to keep up and I'm running out of breath.

"No butter?"

"No, she's a vegan, remember?"

"Movie theater butter isn't even real butter though."

"It's gateway butter." I huff. "Before you know it she'll be licking bacon grease out of the pan."


"Exactly. We don't need that Annika to make a comeback," I snort.

"Hey, could you slow down giraffe boy? I'm not exactly the biggest fan of running," I beg, my breath hitching. He slows, exaggerating each step, poking fun at my pace. I shove his shoulder playfully as he laughs at me.

"There she is," I announce as the back of Annika's head comes into view. Her perfect golden waves fall to the middle of her back. She's, of course, wearing a cute little plaid skirt. Annika wears skirts and dresses almost every day. Even in the middle of winter. She hates pants and for that, all of the boys, some girls and even our math teacher, Mr. Klein, are thankful.

"Are you nervous?" I ask, stopping him and grabbing his arm to turn him towards me.

"No...surprisingly enough," he says. "I'm cool."

"Cool... huh? That is surprising," I joke as I reach up to smooth his hair once more. As expected, he swats my hand away like the pest I am.


"Sorry, I can't let you in without an ID," a familiar girl states from behind the ticket counter.

"Are you kidding me Cricket? We go to the same school. I'm older than you."

"We do? Huh... doesn't matter. No ID, no gore."

"Look," I whisper, leaning too close to her face. "I'm trying to get my friend over there..." I point my thumb behind me where Annika and Jude stand waiting for me to get my ticket. " fall in love with that boy."

"Jude," she asks, waving at him. "He's a pretty good kisser."

Good to know. I'll tell Annika that.

"Okay... Cricket. What'll it take for you to fork me over a ticket," I ask, ruffling throughout garbage in my bag looking for a bribe. I grab a crumpled bag and place it on the counter between us. This will have to do.

"A half a bag of Doritos?" she scoffs.

"Yeah, Cool Ranch." I deadpan.

She exhales a long annoyed breath, "Couldn't you just buy a kid movie ticket and sneak in like everyone else?"

Duh. Why didn't I think of that?

I nod my head slowly, knowingly, adding a sneaky wink for emphasis and purchase my child ticket.

After she hands it over, I reach for the bag of Doritos but her hand stops me. "Leave them," she demands.

I nod and an evil grin creeps across my lips as I moonwalk back to my awaiting friends.

Clung to Annika's back like a spider monkey, she carries me over to the snack counter. When she drops me to my feet, I fetch a bag of cotton candy. Out of the corner of my eye, Jude and Annika reach for the same bag of Swedish fish. Their hands brush against each other and then quickly retract. I watch the interaction intently.

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