The Sad Girl

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Hey y'all it's ya girl here just trying to be creative and all that! So I just moved guys!!! Has absolutely NOTHING to do with this story but yknow just thought I'd spice it up a bit!! Anywho I'm pretty sure you peeps don't wanna listen to my grueling story's about what's going on with me so I'll get to the story now! Bye bye my fair readers!❤️
PS. It's mostly gonna be Lucy's POV Soo yeah

Lucys flashback

Jude heartfilia and his wife had been trying for months to have a child! And just as they had about given up, Lucy was born. However, her mother had died during childbirth. Jude was so depressed that he started to have an addiction to drugs.... And he blamed Lucy for her mother's death.
End of flashback

Lucy's POV (she's about 4/5 y.o.)
In was around 2 am when she first heard it, the moans and groans coming from her father's room across the hall. Lucy had thought he was hurt and went to see if he was okay, but as soon as she opened the door she saw something no child wants to see... Her father was doing strange things with some ugly women in his bed. She didn't know what was happening but she knew it was wrong, her father still loved his dead wife and Lucy knew this. Her father's eyes soon landed on her and he scowled and narrowed his eyes at her but didn't stop what he was doing. The women he was with hesitated at the sight of the little girl walking in on them, but Jude pulled her hair and told her to keep going. Lucy quickly tore her eyes from the scene and sprinted as quickly as she could to get away. She knew by now that she shouldn't be walking around without her father's permission, and much less entering his room. She ran to her room and locked the door, grabbed all her precious pictures of her mother and locked them away safe and sound where he couldn't take them. Then Lucy hid under her bed and waited for Jude to come stalking the halls in search for her. And she didn't have to wait long because after about 20 minutes she heard the sounds stop and creaking coming from behind her door. The handle twisted and he tried to open it but it was locked. Thinking she was safe she breathed a sigh of relief and then realized her mistake. Her father had the master key. She heard the click from the lock and the footsteps coming towards her. She tried to blink her tears away and stay strong but she could see his feet walking around the room and getting closer to the bed she was under. He was just playing with her now, he already knew where she was. Just as he disappeared from sight she heard a creaking sound. He was on top of her bed. Lucy's eyes widened and her breathing quickened. She knew he was coming and tried to prepare herself but nothing could prepare her for what came next... Nothing. Nothing happened. And then when her guard was down she looked up and saw her father staring down at her from her bed. She tried to scream for help but Jude clamped his hand over her mouth, muffling any sound from Lucy. She stared into her father's dark, evil brown eyes and tried to imagine how anyone could be so cruel. All you could hear from that little girls room was screams filled with terror and sadness. After Jude was done with his daughter he threw her aside and let her lie on the once blue carpet.

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