Something Changes

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Hallo beautiful people!!!! It's ya girl here once again pretending I'm super awesome!! Yaaay anyways feel free to comment on grammar and spelling mistakes! In fact it would be greatly appreciated if you could! Everytime you correct me I'll be an even better author for you lovely readers! Bye bye dearest friends❤️

                Narrator POV
   One morning, after a night of pain and torture, Lucy Heartfilia woke up in tears and disappointment that she was still alive. Lucy wished with all her heart that it would all just end and she could finally be at peace, alas she just wasn't strong enough to end her own life. Lucy was never weak by any standard, in fact she was the only person who truly thought that she was weak. 
    Lucy's POV
As I woke up I immediately ran to the bathroom to dry-heave, I could still remember last night...
           Flashback to lastnight
As soon as I had gotten home from the hell I call school, Jude was waiting at the door for me. I froze mid-step and fought my instincts to run away as fast as possible. Jude was not my father, not after everything he had done to me. I will never know what having a dad feels like, I will never get to feel the love you can only get from your father. I've never felt love of any kind really, unless you count the disgusting things he does to me every single day. I am shocked out of my thoughts when I feel Jude move my hair behind my ear in a way that was too intimate for a father to do to his daughter. My eyes widened slightly and he could tell I was afraid. I tried to look strong, I really did, however it was impossible for me to not look frightened by what Jude did next. I hadn't even been able to close the door behind me when he had grabbed me by my wrists and dragged me to the front of the house. I didn't understand since I didn't think he would risk anybody seeing what was probably about to happen. And then I realized he was too stoned to even care anymore, and that's when I started to tremble and try to twist out of his grip. I couldn't let anyone see what he was about to do, it would make it even worse for me if anyone saw. Nothing I did worked though, Jude wouldn't let go of me and started to make me strip. I screamed for help as tears spilled from my eyes. Jude didn't stop though, he kept on going and just when he had me naked and pinned to the ground, about to start this disgusting act again, I heard footsteps. I was scared and relieved at the same time, someone would definitely see what was happening to me but that would mean they could also save me. As the footsteps drew closer I saw a flash of pink from behind the tall bushes. I knew that hair, Natsu was gonna see me! I couldn't stop my crying and screaming though, I was too terrified of what was happening. Natsu had run up to our gate and saw what Jude was gonna do to me. He looked hesitant at first but then sprinted over and pushed Jude off me. I clung to Nastu like there was no tommorow and cried and said thank you. Jude got up off the ground, and glared at us. "What are you doing with my slut of a daughter? She's mine little boy." I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. I begged Natsu not to let him have me, Natsu looked down at me and finally saw how terrified I was. He thought about it and let me go. Natsu punshed me towards Jude and only looked away. As my father gripped me in his iron grip he started to drag me back to the house. I screamed for help, Natsu only walked away slowly as he saw me being dragged up the stairs to our front door. Jude stopped at the door and grabbed my face and brought it up to his. He smirked and said "Now we can have fun all night long dearie"
I clawed and scratched at his hold on me and looked at Natsu looking back at us for a moment. Then Jude slammed the door and I lost all hope for anyone to save me.
           End of Flashback
I washed my face of tears and walked out of the bathroom straight into Jude.  I scrambled back and said sorry and bowed. Jude only chuckled and grabbed my hair to lift me off my feet. Jude was about 6'4 and I was only 5'2 I was so much shorter than him so he lifted me up to face him. I looked away and tried not to let my tears out. Jude then dropped me on the the floor and gruffly said "Get your a** to school." I rushed to my feet and squeezed past him. I didn't look back I just ran to my room as fast as I could. I locked my door and got dressed in an over-sized black hoodie and black leggings. I put on my muddy shoes and sprinted out into the hallway and down the stairs. I grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door. I didn't bother to try to get breakfast because I wasn't allowed too anyways. I walked to school as quick as I could, and when I got there I rushed past all the people and went to my locker. I tried to lay low but they found me anyways. Lisanna pointed me out in the crowd and the entire group walked towards me. They all smiled and smirked at me, including Natsu. I tried to shrink into the background and just prayed to God they would leave me alone. My prayers were never answered. Gray grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer until I could smell his cologne. He smiled sadistically and dragged me to an empty classroom. The rest of the group followed and I didn't bother trying to get away. I already knew how this would go, they'd beat me to a pulp and leave me to die. Just like every other day. I just closed my eyes and waited for it to be over, until something very surprising happened. Natsu grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Gray. The rest looked at him curiously, he then explained that he wanted to have a bit of his own fun today and the rest agreed and let him take me. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm sure it won't be much different than usual. We reach the classroom and Natsu....
  Welp that's all for today folks!!  Haha sorry for the cliffhanger y'all it was just getting a little lengthy. I can begin pretty easily just the stopping part that always gets me. Lol sorry it was so long I might try to keep it a little shorter in the future. Also not completely sure where this is going yet. I would love some suggestions on what the ending should be like!! Just comment about it and I'll look it over and make sure you get credit when I use your idea in the story. Bye bye you gorgeous people!!❤️

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