Sad Girl

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This story is pretty intense and not for the weak hearted so leave now if you can't take it... JK please read my story!!! Also feel free to correct me on anything! I'll begin now bye bye my dearest readers❤️

  Warning: reeaaally sad things ahead! Read with caution!!!! Stay happy my dudes

    Lucy woke up in a puddle of tears and blood. She remembered last night vividly, although she didn't want to. Her father had never gone this far before...
Flashback Begins
As she stared up into her father's unforgiving eyes a stray tear fell down her cheek. Jude smirked and licked it away. Lucy's eyes widened and she quivered in her father's iron grip. Jude's smirk only got bigger and bigger as he saw her squirm under him. Lucy wanted to blackout until it was all over but then her father did something unexpected. Jude undid he belt buckle and gave Lucy a cheshire grin. Soon her clothes lay in a heap on the floor, Jude had used his belt to tie her hands together on the bedpost. (You may want to skip over this bc it gets a little gross but not really any specific details or anything) Lucy squirmed and tried to wriggle free of Jude's grasp but he held tightly to her small hips. Then Jude did the unspeakable to Lucy, his daughter, his child... He raped her. He kept going until he had enough and then he took out his knife and carved a single word into her skin. Slut. Lucy was only 4 years old and she already experienced the worst possible pain she could imagine. Her Father had just raped her, he had taken something precious from that little girl. Her innocence and childhood.
Timeskip brought to you by:
            Lucky the squirrel

I am 16 now. I no longer smile, no longer laugh, no longer show any emotion whatsoever. I am in highschool now, but I have no friends to help me. All I have are bullies who make it all worse. Their names were Natsu, Lisanna, Gray, Juvia, Erza, and someone I used to know, Levy.
They didn't have any reason to despise or hate me, they apparently didn't need a reason to make someone want to die. Although I guess no one really did, because no one ever wanted to help. Even though they tried to make me, I would never cry. That made it even worse though, because when they didn't get the reaction they wanted they hurt me even more than before. I don't care though, it's not as bad as what my father does to me. At least they never touch me like he does.... He started raping me when I was 4 years old, and he never stopped. I was just his play thing. I say I have no emotions... but sometimes it gets hard to pretend... I wish I really didn't feel anything, then it would be so much easier to tell someone. I know people say "all you have to do is reach out and tell someone" but it's not that easy. I told someone and they didn't care... She just started hurting me too... She's the one who started this entire bullying thing in the first place. I told Levy and she only pitied me for a while, then had enough of my whining. By now I've learned that it's safer to trust no one. And that's how my life went, and how it will always go.

    At least that's what she thinks.... Muahhahhaahah!!!! Now that I've officially scared away everyone who would consider reading my books, howdy y'all! Oh I don't know if you can tell or not but I'm from Texas!! Just thought I'd share a bit with you guys and make friends!!! Yaaay😂 please love me.... Okay moving hope y'all enjoyed all of my fair and intensely emotional thoughts!!! Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha you should run while you can bc it's gonna get very scary lol bye bye love yall  cinnamon rolls!!!❤️

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