Something Changed

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Howdy partners!! I hope your having the bestest day of your lives today!!!! Idk why but I just do. Anyways thanks again all of you amazing peeps for reading my trash❤️ bye bye now dears lol

Lucy's POV
Once Natsu and I got into the classroom he let go of my wrist and locked the door and closed all the blinds. This was not like usual, and with that thought now stuck in my head I tried to contain the shivers going down my spine. Natsu walked back to me and pulled me to my feet, I'm so confused that I tilt my head to the side curiously. Natsu just makes me sit down in a chair while he places around the room. I wait patiently because I don't want to get in trouble.

Natsu's POV
As we got into the classroom I checked outside the door and locked it and closed all the blinds. I glanced at the tiny girl on the floor and saw her trying not to tremble, and what surprised me was how well she hid her fear. The only reason I could tell is because I had seen her with her father before. I shake away the thought of that man and get Lucy to her feet. Lucy tilts her head adorably and looks at me with her big brown eyes filled with curiosity. I almost blush before I remember yesterday's events. I lead Lucy to a chair and have her sit down, all the while trying to ignore how irresistible she is. She's wearing a hoodie that's too big for her in an attempt to hide but it only makes me more attracted to her, her slender legs are calling to me to just take her. I again shake away my thoughts and pace the room as yesterday's events flash through my mind.
Flashback to yesterday
I was just walking through the neighborhood and heard faint yells coming from somewhere up the street. I walked a bit faster and as I got closer I realized someone was screaming for help, so I ran as fast as I could. I ran past the tall bushes and to the front gate. I saw a large man with blond hair and slanted brown eyes over a small, also blonde, girl. I hesitated because the man was so much bigger than me then snapped out of it and ran towards them. I pushed the man off the girl, who I then recognized as Lucy Heartfilia. The girl that I tortured everyday at school, I was now saving. Lucy grabbed onto me and begged and pleaded for me not to let the man have her. Then the man spoke "What are you doing with my slut of a daughter? She's mine little boy." I froze when he said daughter, it couldn't be true. I looked into the man's eyes and saw something deadly inside them. He would kill me if he got the chance. I looked down at Lucy and saw her tear filled eyes pleading with me to save her. I thought about it for a moment then realized that I didn't stand a chance and she really wasn't worth getting killed over. And as I looked her over I finally realized that her clothes had been torn to shreds and she was naked. I saw her father's belt buckle undone and suddenly I knew what was happening. Her own father was gonna rape her? I shook that thought out of my head and let go of Lucy. I pushed her away as she fell in front of her father. He grabbed her in a grip that looked like it hurt. He smiled in a way that scared me so much that I backed away. I heard Lucy's screams as I walked away slowly. I glanced back and wished I hadn't. I saw the man holding her face up to his and heard him whisper to her. "Now we can have fun all night long dearie." I wish I didn't hear that... Lucy glanced at me again and I could see the terror in her eyes, something I had never seen before. I looked away as I heard the door slam and walked away. I could still hear her screaming from inside and wishing someone would kill her already. Now that I know, Lucy is so much stonger than I thought...
                 End of flashback
I wish I hadn't let him take her then. I stopped pacing and turned to look at her. Lucy had waited patiently for me to stop, and the thought of that pained me. I knew about what happened to her at home now, how could I possibly still hurt her? For all I know that could be happening every night, or something even worse could be happening to her. I would have killed myself if I had to go through all that pain. And that's when I truly looked at her, how small she was, how little she weighs, and how hopeless and empty she seems. I felt tears come to my eyes as I finally realized how small and defenseless she is. I shook my head and gained my composure again. I walked towards her and kneeled in front of Lucy. Her eyes swidened the smallest bit and I could tell she was scared of me. As I looked into her broken and bruised eyes I could finally see all the unshed tears of her trying to be strong. I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it. Her breathing sped up a bit and I kept going. My hand trailed down her cheek to her neck and then to her chest. I knew this was wrong, but she was just too beautiful to resist.  I went even farther and dragged her up to a stand and pushed her against the wall. I pinned her hands above her head and put my face on her neck. I held her off the ground and put my other hand on her tiny waist. Then I heard her start to hyperventilate and thought through what I was doing to her. Her father flashed through my mind and I dropped her . She curled up on the ground and tried to disappear. I was surprised at myself. I don't know what came over me as I gaped down at the small figure at my feet. What was I about to do? I covered my face out of shame and sat down in a chair far away. I'm so ashamed that I was about to hurt that small beautiful girl in front of me. Lucy was now trembling on the floor. She held her knees to her chest and rocked back and forth as she tried to calm down. I looked closer and saw tears trailing down her face, I tried to get closer to comfort her but every step I took towards her made her sob even harder. I kept going and sat down in front of her on the floor, she looked up at me with wide tear filled eyes. I smiled lightly and told her it was okay, and that I wasn't going to hurt her. "I'm so sorry Lucy, I don't know what came over me. Please don't be afraid, I just want to help you." I told her and she seemed to calm down a little bit. I put my hand on her shoulder lightly and she jerked away from my touch. I see the fear in her eyes and my heart softens. I wipe her tears away and hold onto her like she was my tomorrow. I hold onto her and don't let go, even as she squirms in my arms. I hold her harder until she finally calms down and I loosen my grip, but only a bit. I pick her up off the floor and carry her to a desk and sit her on-top of it. I take a deep breath and ask the question that was lingering on my mind for a while now...
    That was intense bruh... I actually feel a bit uncomfortable writing those kinds of moments but I must get used to it cuz there's gonna be a lot of that in this story I guess. I know last time I said id try to keep it short but when I'm inspired to write I just do it. The words flow out of me like blood from a cut. Oh well guess you'll just have to get used to these long chapters. Anywho I got a bit serious there haha 😅 if you made it this far into the boring note then I applaud you for your efforts!! I can't wait to start on the next chapter! Alas it will have to wait till tomorrow bc its literally 2 am here! Lol I wish I was dead at times like this so I didn't have to wake tomorrow and be tired as heck.... It's all for you!!! I love all of you with all my heart and want y'all to be happy so I shall continue to slave away and try to come up with an ending worthy of your pleasure and attention. Goodbye for now my loves!!❤️❤️

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