Chapter 24

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Prena's expression was filled with pity, when I came too in a panic.

"You're safe," she said quietly and stroked her fingers through my hair. "You're okay, now."

The panic quelled, but the tremor in my hands didn't stop. I repeated her words in my head. I was okay. I was safe. I wasn't dead. When I was able to catch my breath, I took inventory of my injuries. My eyes went first to my left hand. A large circular scar was all that was left of the hole Juleen had twisted into my hand. Carefully, I flexed my fingers. They were stiff and there was a twinge of pain at the movement, but my hand was functioning. My eyes went to my stomach where the blood on my dress had mostly dried into a deep brownish stain. It was torn still, but I knew without feeling that the skin underneath has sealed.

"You were nearly dead," Prena quietly explained. "You lost a great deal of blood. Had you any other healer, you would have died."

"I need water," I said, my voice a dry croak. "Please."

Prena at once nodded and left, as she did, I let my head fall back until my eyes were on the ceiling. I needed to get myself free, I knew that. I wasn't sure I'd ever get another chance. But right then, I was so weak, so tired that it was all I could manage to keep my eyes open and focused.

Prena returned with a glass of water and urged my head upright before bringing the glass to my lips. Slowly, the water poured into my mouth and soothed my dry throat.

"Take this," she said in a quiet voice after glancing around to ensure we were alone. Prena urged a tablet against my lips, huffing when I refused to take it. "It will help to offset side effects of blood loss."

If she wanted me dead, she only had to leave. She could have simply told Juleen I could not be saved. I opened my mouth and took the tablet, swallowing it with the last gulp of water.

"What happened?"

"You were stabbed," she said quietly. "He nearly let you bleed out."

"I mean after that."

"I think he was hoping to to call their bluff, but it did not work."

I remembered hearing a voice as consciousness left me. I remember feeling him and I knew she must have been lying to me. It was all a bit of a blur, but I know he was there saying my name.

"But Ro... I heard him."

She cocked her head to one side, struck by confusion.

"I saw it though. He did not make a sound. He did not move."

"But I felt him, his hand cupped my cheek. He said my name."

Prena shook her head. "Strange things happen when you are close to death."

That was a nice way of saying that I was delusional, but it had seemed real. In that moment, when I thought I was dying, he was giving me comfort. Had I just imagined it all?

"You should have let me die."

"He would kill my family." Prena rested her palm over my hand with a sad look on her face. "I am sorry you are a toy. Your friends did not react, but they did agree to some of the terms set by Juleen," she whispered in a hurry, the sound barely audible even as she glanced around to ensure we were alone.


"I'm not certain what the agreement was."

It didn't matter what the agreement was, I knew the only reason he agreed was because of me. To protect me. I couldn't let Juleen hold that kind of control over him, over either of them.

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