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"Gooood morning, Washington! This is John Snyder and you're listening to Washington's #1 morning radio broadcast! THe current time is 4:30 am. It is a chilly Thursday morning. It is 44 outside, but when the sun rises, it should get up to about 62!"

I rolled over to find that Jake was already up, which was surprising because he hates mornings. I put on a pair of black pants and a white long sleeve shirt with a collar. I grabbed my tan jacket and went downstairs. I set the jacket down over a chair when I saw a handwritten note sitting on the table.

Ellie, I got a call early this morning so I had to go into work. I wish I could tell you why. See you soon!


"Of course," I muttered.

I grabbed a box of cereal out of the pantry, and the milk from the fridge. I had two bowls of cereal then I finished getting ready. About 45 minutes later I got into the car and drove to the Naval Yard. I took off my jacket and threw it over my desk.

"Well good morning, sunshine."
"Hi, Tony."

"Why are you all upset> It's not that cold outside."

"Jake left this morning for work, and of course, he can't tell me why."

"Ellie, don't worry about it. You're going to have to be more worried when GIbbs walks in here."

"And why is that DiNozzo?" GIbbs asked

"No reason, Gibbs," I replied.

"You sound a little off, Ellie. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"Good, because we've got a dead Petty Officer. DiNozzo, call McGee and tell him to meet us at 56192 West Main Street in Georgetown."

"Got it, Boss!"

"Bishop, you ride with DiNozzo. I'll drive with Ducky so McGee has a car. He has to come back and get his fear anyway."

"Alright. I'm driving."

"Ugh, fine," I moaned. I got in the car and we drove off. I looked at the map and it said we were about 3 minutes away.


"What, Tony?"

"That car ran a red light and almost slammed into us!"

"Oh, I didn't see. Let's keep going. We want to get there before Gibbs."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Not a minute later I heard the brakes squeal.

"Tony look out!"


Gibbs, Ducky, and Jimmy arrived at the Petty Officer's house.

"Duck, the body should be ready for you to take," GIbbs said as they walked up the driveway. "DiNozzo and Bishop should already be here."

They walked into the house and saw Petty Officer Michael Pang, but no one living.

"DiNozzo! Bishop!" Gibbs called. "Where the hell are they?"

"What about McGee?" Jimmy asked.

"He was meeting us here."


"Bishop? DiNozzo?" Gibbs called out again. "Jimmy, stay herewith Ducky. I'm gonna go check around back for them."

"Ok, Gibbs."

GIbbs pushed the door open and walked to the backyard. He looked around, but no sign of DiNozzo and Bishop. He walked a few houses down the street, but still no sign of his agents. He decided to go back inside.

"Duck, have you heard from Bishop or DiNozzo?"

"Why, no, Jethro. I haven't. Where are they?"

"I don't know."

JUst then and there Gibbs heard a car door. He figured it was just another cop, but to his dismay, it was McGee.

"Tim! Where have you been?"

"I had to help Delilah. Sorry, Boss."

"No time for sorrys, McGee. We have a case and Bishop and Tony still aren't here."

"Well, I got a call from Tony telling me to come here, so, I did."

"Go back to the office and track their phones, I need to know where they are."

"On it, Boss."

McGee drove as quickly as he could back to the Navy Yard. He was starting to get worried. THis was too much of a practical joke for Tony. He would never do that.

When McGee got to his desk he furiously typed in

Tony and Ellie's phone numbers. To his surprise, the phone were seemingly on their way to Georgetown. That seemed impossible, though, because even with heavy traffic, the drive couldn't have taken more than an hour. Tim decided to flick on the tv to see if there was any news on traffic to Georgetown.

"Heavy backup on I-66 E, the left two lanes are closed from a crash. Crews are still working to clean it up, and there is no news yet on who was involved. We'll get you the news as soon as it comes in."

"Rule 39," McGee thought. 

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