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Once again Gibbs and McGee walked through the automatic doors of Georgetown University Hospital.

"Can I help you?" the lady asked. It was a different receptionist this time.

"Gibbs and McGee. NCIS." They both flashed their badges.

"What can I do for you?"

"We need to see Shmeil Pinkhas in room 147," McGee said. "Is he awake?"

"Yes," she replied. "He's awake, go on down."

"Thanks," McGee said.

McGee followed Givvs to room 147. They walked in and were surprised by what they saw. This man seemed to be in pretty good shape, much better than Ziva.

"Shmeil Pinkhas," Gibbs said.

"Who are you?"

"NCIS federal agents," Gibbs replied, "we need to ask you a few questions."

"Where's Ziva? Is she okay?"

"She's here in another room," McGee said. "This morning you were driving with here. Do you remember that?"

"Yes, well, she was driving," Shmeil replied. "I remember we were on some highway and we got in an accident. Ziva was hurt pretty bad."

"The other person in the car, " Gibbs started, "was there just one person?"

"I think so. Two people came over to see if we were okay and then called 911. One of them seemed pretty distraught when he saw Ziva."

"Are these the two people?" McGee asked, showing him a picture of their two missing agents.

"Yep, that's them."

McGee quickly noted that Tony had already seen Ziva.

"Once those two got there, they guy from the other car got our and started talking to them."

"Did you get a good look at him?"

"Not really. He looked Hispanic, maybe six feet tall."

"Did he have any tattoos or any distinguishing features?"

"I don't know if it was a tattoo or a birthmark, but he had a cross like shape on his neck."

"Was it lighter or darker than his skin?" Gibbs asked.


"Was it simple or intricate?"

"Simple, very simple."

"What happened after they were talking?"

"Well, the guy got into the other two's car. The two people who helped Ziva and me must've dropped their phones and not noticed because they drove off without them."

"Than you very much, Shmeil," McGee said with a smile.

Gibbs and McGee walked out into the lobby and looked at their notes.

"McGee, call Abby and get a BOLO out on this guy."

"On it boss."

"Hey Tim, what's rule 39?"

"No such thing as a coincidence."


McGee called Abby and told her to search databases for their suspect. He gave her all the information they got from Shmeil.

"Alright McGee. I've got four guys here matching your description. The first one is..." McGee could hear as she pulled up his picture. "Liam Doskin. It doesn't look like he has a cross on his neck, but I'm checking to see if he's ever made a purchase at a tattoo place." McGee waited for a few minutes. "Nope, not tattoo."

"Alright, who's the next guy?"

"Patrick Brown. Died three years ago."


"Simon Pensais. He made a purchase at a tattoo place a few miles from downtown DC. The last one is Elmer Robertson, no record of any tattoos."

"Send me all you have on Pensais."

"Comin' your way McGee."

McGee hung up his phone and stuffed it back in his pocket. He flipped open his notes and jotted down a few points.


"Yeah boss!?"

"Tony and Bishop."

"Uh, yeah, Shmeil said they came to help him and Ziva."

"What do you think about his guy?"

McGee pondered that for a second. Was this another test? "I think," McGee started, "that Simon might have tried to kill Ziva or Shmeil and got nervous when he saw Tony and Bishop. But, I don't know exactly why he would have gotten in our car. Why not his?"

"McGee, he killed Pang, was fleeing the scene, hit Ziva and Shmeil, got nervous when two feds showed up, and then kidnapped them. Probably made them drive at gunpoint to the woods far away from the city and is holding them hostage, like in Somalia."

"Oh my gosh, I, I didn't, I--"

"McGee, get in the car. Call Abby and have her try to track this guy."

"On it boss." McGee frantically dialed Abby. What was he going to say? Tony and Ellie are probably dead?

"McGee, I already sent you the stuff on Simon!"

"I know, Abby, I already looked at it. I need you to track Simon Pensais."

"Ok, well where are you?"

"We're heading back to you. We'll be there in a few minutes."

"Alright see you then."

Gibbs pushed his foot down on the acceleration. McGee really hated when he did that. He looked out the window as everything blurred by. They arrived back to the office and rushed in.

"Gibbs, McGee, my office now," the director called. Gibbs climbed the stairs, followed by McGee. He pushed the door open.


Gibbs," Vance said sternly. "Abby told me you needed Simon traced."

"Yeah, where is he?"

"Your house."

"What the hell?"

"We're sending Fornell and his agents too, but I wanted to tell you first."



"No," Gibbs said. "I'm going in alone."

McGee piped in. "But how do you know he's not alone?"

"He can't be alone. My agents are still there."

"Gibbs, I'm not sending you in alone. It's too dangerous."

"It's my own house, Leon."

"FBI will come in behind you."

"Fine. but I want him alive. I want him to say what he did."

"And if he shoots?"

"Then follow protocol. Kill that bastard."

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