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Gibbs walked down to Abby's lab and was surprised to find the doors closed. But, of course, he could still hear the music. He set his hand on the knob, turned it, and pushed.

"Abby," Gibbs said. "Abby!" He raised his voice.

"Oh! Sorry Gibbs. What'cha got?"

"The gun. I need to run it against the bullet from Pang's body."

"Already doing that," she pointed over the machine. "You must've read my mind." She paused. "Hey, where are Bishop and Tony? They'd normally come down here for this."

"Abby... Tony and Bishop are missing," Gibbs said.

"What!? Why am I just hearing about this?"

"Tim put a BOLO out on them and the car."

"Well what about their phones?"

"He tracked the phones and they led us to the car crash. That's how we got the gun."

"And Bishop and Tony weren't there?"


"Then who was?" Abby asked.


"Ziva? Like, our Ziva? Ziva Ziva!?"

"Yes. The Israeli ninja. Our Ziva."

"Where is she? Can I see her?"

"Still in the hospital. They only wanted family there."

"Well how come you and Tim got to see her?"

"Because, Abby, she--"


"Oh, that's the results for the bullet."

"I see," Gibbs replied.

"So, why did you see Ziva?"

"She's a suspect in Michael Pang's murder," Gibbs finished.



"Abby, she was in the car," Gibbs said.

"That doesn't mean she did it," Abby said, standing firm on her belief.

"I know, but I still have to check her out."

"Well, I want to see her."

"You can't."

"Well, I want to see her soon."

"I going upstairs now," Gibbs said as he walked away.



"Yeah boss?"

"I'm going to the hospital to check on Ziva."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Try to find DiNozzo and Bishop. We need them on this case."

"But, Tony and Ziva, and..."

"Yeah, Tim, I know. It'll be hard for him."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do."

Gibbs drove back to the hospital and walked into Ziva's room. He looked at her. She was just as pale as before. He reached out and held her hand.

"Ziva, I know this was before your time, but I told Tony that he wasn't allowed to die, and it's no different for you. I don't know what you've been mixed up in, jbut I need to know. I've been in a coma too and I know it's hard, but you need to pull through."


McGee furiously typed on his computer. Where were they? He decided to look at the GPS data. He hadn't thought about that before, it slipped his mind in all the chaos. It would be easier to look at traffic cameras if he knew which ones to look at. He got into the car's data. He saw that they had been on their way to Georgetown, but they only took I-66 for a couple miles. They mainly took backroads. No cameras. McGee pulled out his phone.


"What, McGee?"

"I looked into the GPS info and the took the backroads to Georgetown."

"So no cameras."

"Exactly. The car is stopped on a backroad a few miles from Pang's house."

"Send me the coordinates. I'll meet you there."

McGee met Gibbs on the dirt road four miles from the Petty Officer's house. Gibbs got out first, followed by McGee. There was virtually nothing around. Just a dense forest.

"McGee, c'mon."

"Coming boss!"

McGee followed Gibbs down the road while scanning the trees. Suddenly, McGee spotted the car. They both walked over to it. It was definitely an NCIS car. They both slipped on their blue rubber gloves and opened the door. No people. No badges. No bag. Nothing

"Tim, search for prints."

"On it, Gibbs."

McGee searched the entire car for prints, but he came up empty. The inside was spotless, aside from Bishop's, DiNozzo's Gibbs', and his prints.

"Gibbs, there's nothing here. What do you think."

"Tim. I think they had a reason to go the backroads, besides the crash," Gibbs said, "take pictures and sketch the area so we know where we are."

"On it boss."

McGee drew a sketch of what little there was around. It was mostly just measurements and ditches in the road. They towed the car back to the garage for possible evidence that could still come up, and besides, it was an NCIS car. McGee stood in the elevator with Gibbs. He pressed the button to go down, but Gibbs leaned over and flicked the switch, leaving them in a dark elevator car.

"McGee. Give me more details on the GPS data. It just doesn't seem right."

"Um, well, they were on their way to Pang's house. They took I-66 for about two miles, and backroads the rest of the way. They must have kept going along the backroads because of the crash."

"But they left their phones at the crash.They stopped to help," Gibbs said.

"So Tony wouldn't seen Ziva.

"And he'd go see her," Gibbs finished. 

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