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"What, Tim? Did you find them?"

"There's a crash on 66 East."


"I can't pinpoint exactly where their phones are, but it looks close to 66."

"Well what are you waiting for!? I'll meet you there!"

McGee drove down I-66 and to the crash. Gibbs had just gotten there.

"Woah, woah, woah. You guys can't come in here. This is under investigation," on of the officers said.

"NCIS," Gibbs said, flashing his badge. "We have reason to believe the people involved were two of our agents."

"We looked, sir. They didn't have badges on them."

"Did you fingerprint?" McGee asked, clearly annoyed.

"We took them straight to Georgetown. They had serious injuries. Doctors said they'd ID there and let us know so we can contact family."

"Com on, Tim, we're going to Georgetown."

"But what about their badges?"

"They probably had them in their bags, and they'd be with them at the hospital."

"Ok..." McGee replied hesitantly.

Gibbs drove to Georgetown at lightning speed. They raced through the automatic doors to the front desk.

"Do you have an Eleanor bishop or Anthony DiNozzo here? Wounded in the car crash on 66?"

"Um, let me check," the lady replied. Tim waited anxiously as he heard her finger hit the delicate computer keys. "We have no record of an Eleanor Bishop or Anthony DiNozzo. But, we did get two others wounded from that crash."

"Oh, great, can we see them?" McGee asked.

"We don't know who they are yet. The injuries are life threatening and only immediate family should be allowed to see them"

"We need to ask them a few question," Gibbs said, while him and McGee held up their badges.

"Ok, I suppose you can see them, but don't raise their heart rates, please. They're in rooms 141 and 147."

"Thanks," McGee replied as he followed Gibbs down the hallway.

They had just made it into the room when Gibbs got a call.

"Yeah, Gibbs."

"Gibbs, this is Detective Long about the crash victims."

"Tell me something, Detective."

"We searched the trunk and never found badges. The hospital called me back just a few minutes ago with the IDs."

"Yeah," Gibbs replied, "not my agents."

"Uh, yes that, but, we also found a 12mm fun in the trunk, recently fired."

"And? That's not NCIS jurisdiction."

"We also found a Navy uniform and ID in the trunk, belonging to a Petty Officer Michael ang, went UA two days ago."


"Michael Pang?" McGee gasped.

"That's what he said. The officers are sending it to Abby."

"But what about the person in room 141?"

"I don't know, McGee. But now they're an important role in this case."

"Gibbs walked down the hall to the nurses' station.

"What is the name of the person in room 141?" Gibbs asked.

"Ziva David," the nurse replied.

"Ziva David!?" Gibbs and McGee exclaimed at the same time. They ran down the hall together.

When they got in the room they saw a frail body with lots of tubes and wires attached.

"Ziver," Gibbs said. "Zi, can you hear me?"

No reply.

McGee's eyes gazed over Ziva's limp body. Why was she here? What will Tony say? But, why was she with a man, a gun, and a dead Petty Officer's uniform and ID?

One of the nurses walked in.

"Oh! I didn't see you there! You startle me," she said to Gibbs. "Are you family?"

"No, close friends, but we need to talk to her about a case." He pulled out his card and badge.

"I'm sorry, sir, but that won't be possible for a while."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Well, besides her many broken bones, she's hasn't woken up since surgery.

"Oh my gosh," McGee whispered. "How long do you think she'll be out?"

"Hard to say," the nurse started. "She has brain activity, which is good, but normally patients in her condition would wake up by 12 hours" She looked at the clock. "It's been about four."

"Well, thanks, but, what about the rest of her?" McGee asked quietly.

"She broke her left leg in two places, right ankle, left elbow, right hip, third, sixth, and seventh vertebrae, and she has a severe concussion."

"Will she be paralyzed?" Gibbs asked.

"We'll have to wait and see until she wakes up. I'm sorry."

"Thank you, um, nurse..." McGee trailed off.

"Ingham, Emma Ingham."

"Thank you, Emma," Gibbs replied.

"You're very welcome, and your names are..." she trailed off.

"I'm Gibbs and he's McGee."

"Well, nice to meet you, wish it was under better circumstances."

"Thanks," Time replied.

"Bye," Gibbs said.

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