Angst! John Laurens xreader

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No... No... How could this have happened. This isn't right. No... There's no way John could leave you. You were just talking to him an hour ago. You couldn't do this he didn't leave you. No... Not on your anniversary right?

"Hello Ma'am would you like to order?" A waiter asked me for the second time. "No not at the moment. I'll order as soon as my boyfriend gets here." You say as he looks skeptical for a moment, but he doesn't continue.

One text from John

You open the text. Ready to type an angry paragraph about how irresponsible he has been and that you have been waiting in this restaurant for 30 minutes.

Hey Y/N sorry about the wait. I am on my way to the restaurant now I had a few things to pick up, but I'm on my way now. I love you baby. Please just know the gift I got you for our anniversary will hopefully make up for it.

You can't help not being mad. He was everything you hoped and dreamed for. He may be terrible at getting things done on time, but he was always there when you needed him to be. He made you the happiest woman in the world.

~An hour later~

I hadn't received a call or a text from John. I eventually just left the restaurant. I sat in my car and looked at my phone for a moment. Just as I put the key in my phone rang.

Incoming Call from Henry Laurens

You hesitantly answer the call.

"Y/N? You know what happened correct"

You sit there confused and befuddled for a moment. "No, Mr. Laurens I don't know what happened. Is this about John not showing up to the restaurant?"

"I thought the police would have told you. Oh sweetie I'm so sorry. John was killed in a car accident an hour ago. He was speeding. I guess he was trying to hurry to get to the restaurant for you. He also had something in his pocket. I believe it was meant for you. I'm so sorry it ended this way. John loved you very much Y/N."

You dropped your phone. Tears pushed themselves out of your eyes. You held onto the wheel of your car as sobs tore out of your throat.

Everything seemed so hopeless. You couldn't see as tears flooded your range of vision. John couldn't possibly be gone.

You eventually get your crying under control and drive to the Laurens' Household. You see through the window The children sobbing as their mother tries to comfort them.

You knock on the door of the house. Henry opens the door. He seemed numb and void of emotion. You whimper as you look around the house. The house John lived in. The house he grew up in.

Henry took my hand and lead me to Johns bedroom. I couldn't stand to be in there it was all the same as last time I was here. It was like he was still with us.

He released my hand and opened a drawer. He pulled out a little box and handed it to you. You take the box.

Your hesitate, but you open it. You sob louder than before. Everything is numb and you can't breathe properly. Your breath keeps catching in your throat.

In that box was an engagement ring. The ring he promised to one day put on your finger. He promised he would. Now there was nothing else to do, but mourn the man you and so many loved.

Hamilton OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora