Unleash the Beast PT 2(Whatever it takes)

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lida was dead inside. He had wanted to emotionally break this kid, for thinking that he was superior to him in any way. So he had used another quirk that he had that no one noticed, called duplicate. It allowed him to make a perfect copy that can, if used correctly, create an illusion that can fool anyone without an illusion sensing quirk to a certain degree. 

So he decided to use it in this situation, thinking that he won't hurt anyone. And yet. . . here he was, looking at an angry demon for hurting his queen.

Ochako wasn't even hurt, she just got kidnapped by them . . . then hanged out of a window. 

So yeah, he was dead inside. And the sad part was that he was the cause for it.

Izuku roared, sending a shockwave through them that nearly made them join Uraraka. He then lunged at them, claws extending from his hands.  If it weren't for his speed, he would have been dead. lida dodged and countered, only to have it blocked.

He dodged and countered, getting hit most of the time. by the time he had stopped, he was so accustomed to it that he fell down . . . right into an open palm.

He had forgotten about Bakugo. Bakugo, who had been waiting for the right moment. Bakugo knew about this, but he thought that this was its peak. but now, now looking at it completely covering his body, knew that this this was only the tip of the iceberg, and those that opposed them were like the Titanic. And when they hit, they would do a lot more than just sink.

So Bakugo didn't notice shadows and light seeping toward Izuku until it was too late.

Great warrior's will: Slash Of The Dragons of yin and yang!

A sword of light and darkness formed in Izuku's hands. He slashed it downward, and suddenly the shadows and the light revolted. this was followed by the pain of impact and the overall slash. Then everything went black.

Izuku lashed out shadow tendrils, one for capturing the "villains" one for capturing the bomb, and one for saving Ochako and the building.

Outside, everyone could only watch in shock and awe as he single-handedly took down both people, got the bomb, and saved Ochako and the building.

Yeah, I lie.

The whole place was in a buzz.

The girls had hearts in their eyes, the boys were inspired, and the teachers were astounded.

Glorious Izuku. Truly glorious, were the thoughts of a certain parent.

You exceed my expectations again, said one especially lazy teacher.

He is mine. Mine Mine Mine! said one incredibly horny teacher.

After the buzz died down, All Might told the next team to go up.

(as canon.)

Looking at these matches, Iida realized just how far behind he was. Sharon's flame control could draw out the enemy, and could control any form of heat, to the degree that, if she concentrated, she could control the opponent. Tokoyami can control darkness and could fuse with the very monster inside him. It got him thinking.

He had always gotten praise from his peers and family, even when he was doing nothing. Everything was handed to him. It had spoiled him. Made him want everything handed to him, to be as he pleases. And now he realized what he must do. He must have a goal. And he knew what it was know.

"You realized it now.?"

Iida snapped to attention. He had forgotten about Izuku. "My quirk, the warrior's code, gives me a healing factor when I'm in soldier mode. It is quite taxing, but worth it. Anyway, I can see it in your eyes. You found your goal, your purpose in life as a hero.

Iida nodded.

"So what is it?"

Iida said, " to become stronger. To not rely on the power of my family's name, for I would only taint it by doing so. To be strong enough to protect the people."

Izuku nodded, eyes glistening with admiration and happiness for his newfound rival, and possibly, a friend.

"And I will do whatever it takes to help you reach your goal."


Iida smiled back.

"Whatever it takes."

(play music now.)

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