Kamikaze PT I (Engage)

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After that incident happened, Iida had become a lot more polite, showing that he wasn't really a bad guy, just struggling out of the pressure that had been handed down to him by his brother, Ingenuim. Izuku had just told him that he was right for trying, but his methods to take up the mantle would be a disgrace to his name if he didn't change them. Iida had nodded, then left. Izuku then sighed in pity, then went his way.

The new development to his quirk was called the twin dragons of yin and yang. He had been called to the doctor to further investigate this. The doctor said that his quirk had started to evolve to the point where he would be in complete control of yin and yang, order and chaos. As for the warning of him losing his sight, the quirk was apparently destroying the rods and cones in his eyes. He had then been warned to use it sparingly, or he could have a problem that could destroy any hopes of him being a superhero.

Back home, Izuku pondered about this. He had always thought that his quirk, if that's what you can call it now, had made him unstoppable. He had always thought that there would be no drawbacks.

I'm an idiot. . . of course there would be a drawback. The absolute power of yin and yang, how could there not be?

As he thought on these things, he felt a foreign power directing him to sleep. He ignored it for a while, but then it got more and more demanding, and he eventually slept.


Izuku woke, or at least he thought so. He was stuck in a sewer, with nothing but two orbs of black and white. Looking around, all that he could gather was that he was not in heaven or hell. But that didn't mean that he was alive.

"Did I die?" He asked.

No response.


Still no response.

"Is this because I was thinking of breaking the fourth wall, or because i'm too op? If so, that's on you, author.

No response.

"Izuku just said "whatever" and walked into the light, thinking that if he ended up dying, then, well, he lived a good life. As it turned out, the lights were actually cages. An they held dragons in them.

One was pure white, and had a soft expression. She had blazing black eyes, the symbol of a hidden rage of a nation under its feet. She stood tall and proud, and had an air of authority. This was yin, dragon of order and peace.

The other one was midnight black, and had the expression of a warrior who had gone mad with bloodlust. His eyes, however, were pure white, the symbol of how order arises from chaos. He also stood tall and proud, but instead of an air of authority, he had an air of killing intent. This was yang, dragon of chaos, death and destruction.

Izuku took one look and said," Yeah, I'm definitely dead. I guess this is where you go to see if I go to heaven or hell? If so, I really do hope I go to heaven. Heard the weather's great, and the food."

The dragon's laughed.

"You do realize that you aren't dead right? We called you her for a purpose."

"What's the purpose?"

"To train you."

And so the torture began.

* * *

It had been a while since that encounter, and Izuku had grown as a person.

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