:// Chapter 13 //:

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Gravel and dust was everywhere you looked. The air was tainted by the smoke of small fires and all electronic signal was buzzing in and out of control. The camera crews lost all connection, and anyone in the area trying to call 911 had trouble getting through. Nobody had a clear sight on the two men who were fighting, and many wondered if they had finally killed each other.

Unfortunately, they hadn't.

Jasper could feel something holding his attack, and no matter how hard he pushed or grit his teeth the blade would not move. He couldn't move, he was exposed, and he still couldn't f%$#ing see-

A small burst of wind blew away the cloud that was blinding the two Reapers, but Jasper did not enjoy what it revealed.

Zakariah was holding the scythe. He had one hand grasped around the neck and the other was bleeding as it pushed back the blade. Not to mention the damned thing was vibrating between; as if it didn't know who to follow. Tendrils of energy swung all over the place between the two of them crashing into the ground because their was nothing left to destroy. Lightening sparked, the air littered with embers clung to their clothes, but neither man seemed to be backing down.

Jasper's hands started to burn. It was a prickly burn, like dozens of mini spikes were heating up his nerves. He didn't want to let go, he refused to let go, but then the pain intensified and it felt like he was about to lose his hands.

He released the scythe, and the arena of chaos ceased. The air was calm, and pure for the first time since they started.

Zakariah was in awe. The blade felt right in his hands, and it prickled his skin like it was delighted to see him. He gripped it with both hands as he examined it, and as soon as it touched his bloodied palm it began to morph. Instead of looking like some convenient, compact little thing it grew into a real monstrosity of a weapon: the staff was black, engraved with swirls and patterns that could make a person's brain go numb just looking at it. The blade exaggerated itself and even added a new tooth along with it's polished obsidian color.

It breathed in Zakariah's grasp. That's the only way to describe what he was feeling. A sense of belonging, or place in the world is what most being naturally long for, and Zakariah just found his.

But he didn't get to keep it for very long, because in the next few moments a blinding white light exploded into the scene.

As the light died down the Reapers could see Crawford standing tall with two Humans shielded under his wings. Basil and Corin blinked and clung to the Angel from the sudden exposure to the fast travel. Basil thought that this time it was rather easy for him to adjust to the new environment. He wasn't sure if an Angel's fast travel was just easier or if he was just getting better at this, but looking at Corin it was probably the later.

Zakariah lowered the weapon but still kept it ready. He had a feeling just looking at the devastation their fight had caused that he and Jasper were going to be in a lot of trouble.

But Crawford merely nodded to the still standing Reaper and instead decided to approach the one that was grounded. Basil and Corin barely recognized Jasper in his new tainted form. His hands were black up to his elbows and his hands had thick claws for fingernails. His hair was a mess and rather dull compared to it's usually color. Even his eyes seemed like they had some of the life sucked out of them as he growled at the approaching Angel.

Corin watched Jasper closely. Not once had she taken her eyes off of him since she got here. Clearly, Jasper had a very strong effect on her.

Basil on the other hand was almost attacked by Zakariah. "What are you doing here, and with him? Are you alright?" The Reaper spammed him with questions but Basil could barely breathe. Zakariah was fuming with color. His black hair had lightened to a wet brown, his skin was fleshed out, and his eyes. "Oh my god his eyes." They were a beautiful shade of emerald and they were frickin' sparkling.

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