:// Chapter 28 //:

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Six days later, Corin hasn't heard a word from Crawford or her parents. She explained to her parents that she and Basil were going on a trip with Basil's boyfriend. They'd be staying in a hotel and doing fun things like visiting the Las Posadas festival and taking time for themselves.

Her parent agreed of course, with the only condition that she'd be home for Christmas, but now it's Christmas Eve and they still didn't know if they were safe.

Corin sighed as once again Crawford's number went straight to voicemail. About once a day Zakariah would leave his Space with Corin's phone just to check if she had any updates and to get food for his Human visitors, but every once in a while they would all go out like they were now.

Basil and Zakariah were sitting close together in a crowded Starbucks while Corin had stepped outside to make her call, but having no success she stepped back inside and joined them.

"Oh my god, look at that." Basil gawked at the pastry display. He wanted to get one, but he had officially run out of money days ago and he didn't want to ask Corin when she had already bought them all coffee (including Zack, who wasn't sure if he really enjoyed the bitter substance). Especially since he couldn't pay her back anytime soon since he quit his job.

It wasn't anything painful really. Actually, it was in a moment of annoyance. Zakariah and Basil had gone out a while back to get groceries and Basil's phone suddenly blew up with various texts and missed calls from his manager Bryian. Apparently they had finished cleaning up the 'terrorist attack' and it was time for him to call back, as the manager very rudely explained.

He couldn't see himself having the time to work anytime soon, or ever going back to that mall again, so he texted his resignation and told Bryian that if he wanted the uniform back then he could go try to pry it from his ever-silent mother.

Basil cringed just thinking about it, but Zakariah distracted him by unlinking their hands and throwing his arm over the Human's shoulders instead. Basil blushed as people stared, but he was slowly adjusting to the judgmental looks.

One new thing that the Reaper was quickly discovering was that he had no sense of shame when it came to Basil. He loved to hold his hand, hug him, pick him up and kiss him dozens of time all within or out of the public setting. He didn't care who was watching, all he cared about was making sure Basil was always feeling appreciated; which he normally did, despite the embarrassment.

"Still nothing?" Basil asked as Corin pouted.

"Yea..." She poked the straw of her iced coffee. "I hope he's okay."

"Crawford can take care of himself, and he said that he would have help on top of that." Zakariah reassured her. He wasn't worried much at all. Jasper may be crafty but Crawford was far more resourceful.

Corin sipped her coffee while she thought on this, and then Basil's phone buzzed. Assuming that it'd still by Byrian trying to ruin his day he mindlessly opened his messages only to meet an unpleasant surprise.


I want to see you on Christmas. We need to talk.

Basil's mind went blank, which gained the Reaper's attention. "Are you alright?" No answer, just a simple expressionless stare at his phone screen. "Basil?" Zakariah asked aloud once more turning his body more to face him.

"My mom just texted me." Basil announced which heeded the table's focus. "She wants me home for Christmas."

"Why?" This news put Zakariah into a snippy mood. "She ignores your existence for weeks and now she suddenly wants you back?" He still wasn't a 100% sure how he felt about Basil's mom, but as of now most of the things that came to mind were pretty negative.

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