:// Chapter 23 //:

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During the mourning of a person, there's lots of silent moments. But they're not like the other periods of quiet in a person's life. Those other points in time are only silent because there was merely a lack of sound, but after a death the silence is pressing-suffocating, even. As if the only reason that it exists is because that person's voice isn't there to fill the void.

That's what Corin thought the silence of her house had become; a pressuring void. She was still holding the stained net in her hands as she sat beside the peacefully sleeping Basil. The men that were awake had all wandered outback to discuss the details of Synthia's death, but Corin didn't need to know anymore than she already did.

"Synthia was killed by the same Demon that killed her soulmate..." Corin couldn't believe the amount of evil such a thought could evoke, but then again it was more than just a thought-it was the truth, so she had to believe it.

Something soft brushed against her leg. Lady had sat herself before Basil on the floor and began licking his face. Amazingly, after he was positively covered in slobber he started to stir.

Not even a second later he was sitting upright, rubbing his face clean with his shirt. "Lady..." He groaned. Slowly as his mind began to wake his memories did too. He looked to Zakariah who was still out cold with Cinnamon curled up on his chest, and then to the three men standing outside, one being Crawford and two others he didn't recognize.

"Well," Corin almost laughed out a few tears. She was relieved that Basil was finally awake, but just think-now she has to tell him everything that happened. "look who's finally up."

For the next forty-five minutes or so Corin caught Basil up to speed. What happened after he passed out from the blood-loss, what she did for the next couple hours after Zakariah fell too, Crawford's showing up here with Ezekiel and everything he had told her, and then the Demon boy (who was apparently named Cayden, and was Loki's coworker?) and his grim news.

Basil had woken up feeling well-rested, but now he was tired all over again. "That-That's a lot." He mumbled with his head in his hands.

"Yep." Corin rubbed little circles into his back just as the trio opened the repaired back door. The Demon seemed to be examining the kitchen while the Angels stayed in their own one-sided conversation, but Corin didn't care. It was getting closer to 9:00am now. "I wonder when my parents will wake up..."

"Probably around noon." Cayden answered for her without so much of a second thought. Basil was clearly confused, but Corin was in shock. "Unfortunately I've had my own run-ins with the Hunter's in this area, but your parents should be fine. They don't usually harm Humans."

"H-How did-?" Corin stuttered, to which the Demon flushed pink.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry." He began to fidget with the edges of his fine suit jacket, which just made him seem even smaller. "Demon's can hear the thoughts of Humans and other creatures. It's a sort of habit, I didn't mean to intrude..."

"No-it's fine. Thank you." Corin had put on actual clothes just after Cayden arrived. Now she was able to gently smooth out her holographic skirt as she crossed her legs.

"Actually, that's kinda cool." Basil perked up. He had slipped off the couch while he and Corin were talking, and now he sat beside the Reaper-watching over him the best he could. Well, him and Cinnamon.

Cayden scratched the back of his head. "These Humans are weird."

"Basilton, it's nice to see that you're awake." Crawford and Ezekiel had apparently finished their conversation and now the two were heading back inside. Though he might've been trying to be cheery, the news of Synthia's passing had definitely affected him, deeply.

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