:// Chapter 39 //:

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Elizabeth brushed what glass shards she could off herself. She had eaten most of the boy's soul before...something shoved her out of the house, but it doesn't matter. He was dead and she had what she needed.

After jumping back onto her feet, and with a crack of her neck, she felt great. The average Human soul really couldn't compare to that of a Witch. She felt like her old self again, well, if she was being generous.

Alarmingly cold snow was softly falling from the dark sky. Amazingly, it reminded her of home, but she didn't like to think about that. To remember a time when her blood was red and not this putrid black..."Even with the soul of a Grisha, nothing could rid me of the death on my shoulders." Elizabeth thought to herself as the light of an Angel flashed brightly behind her.

The Reaper turned on her heels, coming face to face with a Human woman, and surprisingly-her son. "My, my." Elizabeth mustered up her best wicked grin. "I'm impressed, Zakariah. I never took you for a cannibal."

The pieces of Witch digesting in her gut came with a few side affects. Like being able to see not only her son's soul, but the soul of whatever he's eaten in the past couple hours, and it wasn't hard to piece together exactly who that soul belonged to.

"I'm sad to have lost such a loyal solider, but he seems to suit you much better." She teased. Zakariah's face seemed to darken with every word. He barely even knew this woman as she stood, and yet she was nothing like Brenda, or even Margaret. She was cruel. There was no love shared between them. "She's not my mother."

Corin could feel her resilience slipping; she didn't like this woman in the slightest. Her appearance of white, black, and green was very heinous. Especially with the waves of void that only a true Reaper could summon. She felt like a child again, huddling close to her friends as the evil queen readied her march.

"Where is Basil?" Both onlookers could see the rather large hole in the front of the house, but who was inside? It was hard for even Zakariah could see anything when Elizabeth was standing before them, sucking up all the light.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Dead."

"No he's not." Zakariah insisted with great confidence, but in his mind he kept having to convince himself. "Basil's alive. He has to be. I would've felt it if he died."

"He basically is, can't you tell?" The monster mother rubbed her stomach proudly as if to exaggerate her cruelty.

"You're a coward." Corin spit boldly, gaining the attention of both Boltons. "You can't even face your own son. You sent a deranged monster out to do all the hard work while you stayed here to terrorize innocent people." Corin was talking out her ass, she knew it, but she had to buy herself time to come up with a plan. "We did blindly walk into this..."

Elizabeth almost admired this woman's bravery to speak to her in such a way; actually, this Human reminded her a lot of the young, beautiful 'new recruits' her husband used to bring into their home. "Women like that whore Synthia Nightingale."

Without much of a thought she slung a wave of energy towards Corin. The Human girl froze, merely staring into the burning void rushing towards her, before the slick draw of a blade cut through the darkness.

Zakariah stood between the women on the field, his scythe rippling with power. He didn't know what he was doing when he protected Corin, but he had apparently summoned the gothic weapon from a few blocks down. So there he stood, scythe in hand with two more at his sides. The twins, Jasper's blades, seemed to be a newly permanent part of his arsenal despite the still lingering damage.

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