:// Chapter 30 //:

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Sunlight had filled the bedroom hours ago, but everyone in the house was still sleeping. For different reasons of course, but the boys had merely worn each other out during the previous night's events.

Eventually Basil opened his eyes, only to feel the lingering aches and pains. (If it wasn't clear enough already, this little Human was one heck of a power-bottom). It didn't take long for his memories to kick back in, along with the heat of all sorts of embarrassment. There wasn't a single moments last night that they were prepared for, so the whole night just kinda turned into an awkward, messy first time.

Which is common with most people, but still. Clearly Basil didn't think it all the way through and got caught up in the heat of the moment. Still, it was nice...

Even nicer now that he was reflecting on all of this in the arms of someone he loved on Christmas morning. "I never thought I'd have this. The perfect love or the blessing of never waking up without it...without him." Basil turned in Zakariah's arms until the two were facing.

A few moments later the Reaper began to stir, though it was clear that he did not wish too as he buried himself in Basil's neck. "Hey-that tickles." He giggled as Zakariah tightened his grip around him. "Silly boy..."

"That's just my new name now, isn't it?" Zakariah replied.

"Mmhm." Basil delicately played with his lover's hair; it's natural brown color was positively sparkling in the morning light. "You know...it's Christmas."

"Well merry Christmas." Zakariah yawned, stretching himself out before settling his weight on one arm.

"Phft." Basil rolled his eyes. "Somehow, I don't think that was very genuine."

He smirked, leaning in to gently kiss his favorite soul. "I would've bought you something, but I don't have any Human currency." Zakariah moved until he was once again hovering over Basil.

Neither of them had bothered to clean up their scattered clothing, which meant that they were both stark in the nude when someone knocked on the door. "GOOD MORNING-" Corin flung open the door just as Basil quickly covered himself and Zakariah, or at least their more sensitive parts.

The three of them stared at each other. Basil was morbidly embarrassed, but Zakariah was trying his damnedest not to laugh. "Um..." Basil breathed, catching hints of Zakariah's laughter.

Brenda just happened to walk down the hall while all this was going on, and peered inside to see two naked men piled on top of each other. And all she had to say was "Oh, would you look at that." before caring on her merry way. "Dustin! I'm washing sheets today!"

Corin couldn't help it after that, and her cackle of a laugh was highly contagious. "U-Um, whenever you guys are ready come downstairs and we'll start opening presents. Apparently we love you in this house so we gotcha somethin'."

"Alright..." Basil timidly waved as his friend shut the bedroom door.

"That was ridiculous." Zakariah rubbed his eyes. He was becoming accustomed to sleeping like a Human, but the one thing he disliked was how long it took his body to actually wake up and focus. "And a little annoying."

"Annoying? Why?" Basil still held tight to the covers, but the Reaper was slowly peeling them off again.

"Because I wanted you for a little longer." Zakariah couldn't speak the words because he was too busy biting at the base of his lover's neck. It was one of those little things that Basil really seemed to like; which would be why his skin was littered with various little bite marks.

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