Metal and Skin (ZaneXAnaka)

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Authors note: Just for reference in this chapter and all future chapters, I do not like Pixal as a character, let alone a love interest for my very favorite character in Ninjago. Because of this I introduce an OC love interest named Anaka (ah-ne-kuh), She rebuilds Zane in between season three and four and that's when this takes place. If you like Pixal I totally respect that but know that she will probably never appear in any of my writings.


Zane leaned back against the work table as Anaka rerouted the wiring in his left arm, ever since she had began working on this new and improved body for him he had felt more alive than he ever had been. More human than he ever had been, and he knew it wasn't just because of his hardware. 

It was because of her, the way she acted and the way she treated him, the way he felt that rush of emotion through his joints every time her soft hands touched his synthetic skin, she was amazing in so many ways ... and he was lucky to have her on their side.

"Zane-" she said causing his attention to be pulled back to her, "Sorry, what did you ask?" he quested in clarification, Anaka giving a small forgiving smile, "Just asking you to turn your arm love." she said as she looked back down to her work. She called everyone 'love' ... but sometimes Zane wished that it was a nickname reserved just for him.

He nodded, quieting himself and allowing her continue her work as she picked up a pair of tweezers to get at some of the finer wires. "Anaka?" he said after a moment as she brought her goggles up off of her face to reveal her stunning golden eyes. "Zane?" she asked, still not looking up at him, Zane sitting in silence for a moment to study her before continuing the conversation. 

"Do you believe that their could ever be romantic relationships between humans and an android beings?" he asked candidly, trying to ignore the great surge of nervousness that built in his chest as he prayed she wouldn't look to far into his question. 

Anaka's hand froze above his arm for a moment before she bit her lip and continued her work, "Why do you ask?" she said softly, the tiniest hint of blush crossing her tan cheeks. Zane looked away from her and down to his arm as she continued, "Simply curious of your morals on the subject, is the only thing that dictates the difference in a human human relationship versus an android human relationship, what the two people are made of?"he asked softly.

Anaka considered this for a moment before shaking her head and pulling away from his arm, "I don't think so, look at us for example- we have a great friendship- and you are metal and ... I am flesh and bones and skin." she said softly, "but somehow we're both human." she said with a small sad smile across her beautiful face. Zane examined her eyes for a moment, wanting very much to reach out and touch her dark brown hair, brush his hand across her face, feel the pressure of her lips against his. But he quickly shot these thoughts down as he looked away from her, stunned and embarrassed at how far into fantasy he had just allowed his mind to go.

"I agree." he said softly instead, avoiding her gaze and letting silence fill the space between them. Anaka followed his example of silence for a long moment before she closed the panel on his arm, reaching her hand down to touch his and pulling it upwards. 

"Metal ..." she said softly, "and skin." she muttered as she brought their hands up in front of their faces, lacing her fingers with Zane's. She rubbed her thumb gently to caress the back of his hand as she smiled, "both equally stunning, strong, loving, compassionate, smart, and brave." she listed looking up into his icy eyes. 

"And both worthy of a loving relationship." she said with a small smile before bringing the back of his hand gently to her lips and kissing it softly. 

Zane felt as if his system were malfunctioning at the sudden rush of unbearably strong emotions coursing through him as Anaka brought their hands back down, still not removing hers from his. "You're my best friend right now Zane ... but best friend could mean so many things ... lets not close ourselves off to options." she said softly. 

Zane stared at her in stunned silence for a long moment before smiling softly and nodding. "Agreed." he whispered.

Written: November 29 2018

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