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 trigger warning for severe homophobia and homophobic slurs

'I always feel like I tell you too much

but I know it's probably not enough.' ~ Savannah Brown; This Is A Song For A Boy.


There are few things more frustrating than people hating other people for no reason except for their sexuality. To be honest, as I turn the corner into the English block, ready to plant the first seed of my plan, I've never felt more angry. It's Jade Oliver, the dickhead who called me out on singing without changing the pronouns first, and he's got Louis pinned. There's blood on Louis' shirt and face.

I've never before seen why Louis had originally planned on staying in the closet until university, but now I have a sickening realization. He was scared of stuff like this happened.

Almost instantly after my conclusion, the rage bubbles and splatters over the side. I'm a melting pot of disgust, and it isn't a pretty concoction.

"Ni-" Louis's cut off as a fist suddenly connects with his jaw. Without even a word, Louis' eyes go completely hollow, and he sags. Sadness drives itself into my body.

"Shut the fuck up, faggot." Jade snarls, and well, I can't help myself lurching forwards. Jade notices, however, and suddenly looks up. "If you come closer, I'll knock his teeth out." I freeze. It wouldn't be worth it, would it? Or would it? Would protecting Louis be worth him losing his teeth -because as much as Jade Oliver seems petty, he's really fucking strong, and could damage Louis far more than he has already.

I glance desperately around. Nobody's here. It's just Louis, Jade and I, glaring and staring and, in Louis' case, looking despondent. It's like-like he's resigned, and memories of the day he came out publicly enter my head.

He'd come out last year, first to Harry, and then to the rest of us. It wasn't until March of last year he'd been prepared to come out to his team. It was a risky move, considering the people on the team, but he was brave enough to go through with it. Jade Oliver had been on the team back then, a bundle of homophobic slurs and hatred for gay people spurred on by the fact his parents were deeply religious.

The second Louis had come out, most of the team had been supportive, praising him of his bravery. Jade Oliver and his friend Olly Burke, however, were less than enthused. Louis had been beaten bloody and left for the caretaker to find after the rest of the guys had gone. None of us were exactly pleased, but Harry and Zayn especially were fucking terrifying. Zayn painted a swastika on Jade's bag the next day, when they'd had art, and had warned everyone who would listen not to associate with him in case they were hurt. Harry threw a table at him. They both had different ways of dealing with anger, but Harry's was more immediately damaging. Louis had gotten his ribs broken, but in the end it was Jade who'd been the most injured. Harry had gotten excluded for breaking Jade's jaw, three ribs, and fracturing his wrist. No sympathy was shown, in particular, because nobody liked Jade much to begin with. But, Jade hadn't messed with Harry or Louis much since then. Until now. 

Why the fuck is no one here? Where's Zayn? Zayn would be wonderful right now.  Like, Zayn is wonderful a lot of the time, but. He'd be really great right now. Nobody fucks with Zayn. 

But, suddenly, there is someone here. And she appears just as Jade looks Louis in the eye, and says,

"You are a useless piece of fag trash." 

And suddenly Shyanna Rockley is not a calm girl who spent a year looking ready to disappear. Suddenly Shyanna Rockley is fuelled by hatred and beauty and a constant want to make the world a better place. 

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