Chapter 2

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The rest of the day Harry and Louis spent together in the apartment, just by themselves. Even though Harry wasn't feeling that bad, he loved how Luis always was being so caring, kind and treating him well.

They spent most of the day watching movies, cuddling, talking and so on. Louis had insisted Harry should just relax today, and since it was raining most of the day they had yet another excuse to watch movies together. Something they done before too, although now it felt different, in a totally good way.

Now Harry could touch him whenever he wanted in the movie without feeling weird or blushing his ears of. And he must admit, he enjoyed every bit of Louis attention.


When we were (Finally) finished watching 'Love actually' we stayed on the couch just cuddling for a while. Don't get me wrong, the movie is okay but it's defiantly more like Harry's cup of tea. And honestly I'd rather kiss him, I bit my lips. Harry was sick, I had to respect that. I really did, even if it was achingly hard and I so badly wanted to. Although it had been extremely hard at sometimes not being able to do what I wanted I was thankful too. The last thing I wanted was Harry getting annoyed on how my brain mainly was thinking 'I want to touch you, like all the time'-thoughts about him like all the time.

But I loved contact, touching people etc etc. I was just hoping Harry felt the same.

Later that night we were in Harry's room. We had decided we'd sleep separate tonight since Harry still wasn't feeling that well. I kissed him gently on the forehead.

''Love you, curly.'' I said and smiled softly at him.

''Love you too, beautiful.'' Harry said and smirked moving my hands from his forehead to his cheeks.

''God night'' He whispered, lightly kissing the palms of my right hand.

''Sleep well'' I said, walking out of room.

And as I did so I couldn't help but feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. Harry was totally gorgeous.

And he was mine, well not practically officially but still, he was Mine. And I loved the thought of that.


So here I've been inspiried by my vacation to Turkey this summer. The hotel, location etc. Hope you guys enjoy! Oh, and if you got any requets or so, just comment below or send me a message! xoxo Bex

5 days later

''We're going to Turkey!'' Niall and Liam yelled out loudly.

Al of the boys had earlier agreed on that they both needed a break and after a talk with the manager it finally was decided! The best of it all, they were leaving tonight. Now, usually if Louis would have gotten this type of information just a couple of hours before the boys would be leaving the house, he would flip out.

And he sort of did, just a little. But then Harry gave him a comforting, soft hug. And whispered; ''It'll be fine, trust me'' And then before giving him a soft kiss on the cheek he disappeared. And suddenly he was totally calm.

After one and half hour of packing, talking, and excitement the boys were ready to head to the airport.

All of the boys were in big need of this trip, all of them feeling pretty tired and stressed and none of them had ever been to Turkey before. It would be so nice to just relax for a while and Louis couldn't wait until they arrived.

The flight took under 4 hours and the moment the boys got out of the airplane they began to talk about the heat. It was warm, but not too warm and since it was almost 10 o clock it was real dark.

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