Chapter 7: Leta's Dark Secret

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After taking care of the Zouwu, Newt shuts the case and you look around and saw Leta was missing. "Where's Leta?" I asked the others. Newt has a worried look on his face as Tina shrugs and said. "I don't know..." and the three of us head into the cemetery and head towards the Lestrange Mausoleum.

We run into the Mausoleum and see Leta aiming her wand at Kama, and he wasn't alone. Behind him was Jacob, Credence and a woman, with long dark hair and wearing a scaly blue dress, I didn't recognize.

"So he's your brother?" Credence asked Leta, who continues to stare at Kama. "Who am I?" Credence asked. "I don't know." Leta replied to him. Credence glares at Kama and Leta and said, in a low voice. "I'm tired of living with no name and no history. Just tell me my story, then you can end it...."
"Your story is our story...." Kama replied then he gestures to Leta and repeated. "Our story."

"No, Yusuf--" Leta pleads but Kama begins to talk over her. "My father was Mustafa Kama, a pure blood of Sénégalese of descent and most accomplished. My mother, Laurena, was equally high-bred---a noted beauty. They were deeply in love. They knew a man of great influence, from a famous French pureblood family. He desired her. Lestrange used the Imperius Curse to seduce and abduct her....that was the last time I saw her. She died giving birth to a baby girl." Kama explained then he looks over at Leta. "You." He said and tears formed in Leta's eyes.

"The news of her death drove my father insane. With his dying breath, my father charged me to seek revenge. Kill the person Lestrange loves best in the world.....I thought at first it would be easy....he only had one close But--"

"Say it." Leta mutters in anger.

"....he never loved you." Kama said. "He remarried not three months after her death. He loved her no more than he had loved you....but then.....His son, Corvus, was born at last. And that man who had never known love was filled with it....all he cared about was little Corvus."

Credence looks at Kama and asked. "So....this is the truth? I am Corvus Lestrange?"

"Yes." Kama said but Leta said, at the same time. "No."

Kama looks at Leta, who looked alittle unfocused. "Realizing Mustafa Kama's son had sworn revenge, your father sought to hide you where I couldn't find you. So he confided you to his servant, who boarded a ship for America." He said to her.

"He did send Corvus to America, but--" Leta started to explain but Kama turns to Credence and said. "His servant, Irma Dugard, was a half-elf. Her magic was weak and therefore left no trace I could follow. I had only just discovered how you had escaped when I received news I never expected....the ship had gone down at sea....but you survived, didn't you? Somehow, someone pulled you from the water!" Kama exclaimed. He takes a few deep breathes then continues.

"A son cruelly banished. Despair of the daughter. Return, great avenger with wings from the water." He recited then points at Leta and said. " the despairing daughter." Then he points at Credence. "You are the winged raven returned from the sea, but I-I am the avenger of my faimly's ruin." He said then he points his wand at Credence and said. "I pity you, Corvus, but you must die." But before he could do anything....

"Corvus Lestrange is already dead. I killed him." Leta screams. My jaw drops at this as I looked around at Newt and Tina and the others, who seemed to have stunned looks on their faces as well. Leta lets out a few sobs and raised her wand. "Accio!" She said and a heavy box, that was hidden in the corner, comes crashing to her in the dust. 

It clicks as the cogs whirled and the box starts to form into a family tree. "My father owned a very strange tree. It only recorded the men....the women in my family were recorded as flowers. Beautiful. Separate." Leta explains as the tree forms and paintings of the men's faces appear while beautiful orchids appears next to them.

"My father sent me to America, along with Corvus. Irma was to pose as a grandmother with two grandchildren....Corvus never stopped crying. I never wanted to hurt him. I only wanted to be free of him. Just for a moment....just a single moment."
She let's a few silent tears fall down her cheek as she raises her wand and conjured images of her memories of that night. 

It showed her switching her brother with another baby and ran off to Irma with the new baby and then board the lifeboats as the ship behind them sinks. Then it switches to an image that I recognize, so many years ago.

That day in Defense Against The Dark Arts....when we learned about boggarts....her boggart...I remember that it looked like something in a long white cloth was floating down in water. And now....this explains it.

"You didn't meant to, Leta. So it wasn't your fault." Newt said to her as the orchid representing Leta on the family tree twists around the branch labeled Corvus Lestrange until the leaves withers and dies. Leta turns to Newt and said, softly. "Oh Newt, you never met a monster you couldn't love."

"Leta, do you know who Credence really is? Did you know, when you swapped them?" Tina asked Leta. Leta shakes her head and said. "No." While Credence has this sad look on his face.

Suddenly, an opening in the walls reveals itself to us, showing a staircase leading down deep into the mausoleum. All of us look at the doorway in confusion as we hear a large crowd rumble below.
"Queenie?" Jacob called as he runs down the steps. Newt and I exchange glances at each other then we go after him.

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