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"what's your name?" is what calum asked her while they sat cuddle together in the alley way out of the rain.

"that would ruin the fun of never telling you."

"so you're never going to tell me your name?"

"eventually? yes. right now? no."

"can you at least tell me your age?"


he nearly choked. eighteen. that's so young. he knew they would be a few years off, but eighteen. that's such a phony number compared to thirty-five.

"i'm thirty-five," he stated bluntly. he knows what's going to come next. probably an 'ewe you pervert', a slap, maybe a secret can of pepper spray in her back pocket.

"that's so cool. do you have a cool job?" she asked instead.

calum kissed her forehead before answering, "i'm the owner of hood empires."

"the huge business company?"


"weren't you married though?"



they sat in silence. not really, but it was quite peaceful listing to rain and each other's heartbeats. calum thought about how crazy this is. if his mum knew about this, it was a simple 'i don't ever want to speak to you again' he'd recieve. all he knows about this girl is she's eighteen and she's his.

she jumped up filled with excitement suddenly, catching calum by surprise but it faded quickly; she's had him by surprise all night so this was nothing new. except for when she said,

"let's get married."

I don't understand how so many of my friends have tickets to ROWYSO but I don't like tf. mum, dad, do better]

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