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she had over four grand worth of clothes, shoes and accessories, but calum paid for everything down to the last penny. it's not like it put a dent in his wallet anyway.

right now, his assistant was placing all the bags in the trunk of the black benz while the pair sat in the back, their hands intertwined and her head on his shoulder. she had changed into a pair of jean shorts and a peach blouse with some sandals. calum even took her to a salon and got her the whole treatment.

she got manicures, pedicures, hot oils, a hair cut, curling and she even got it dyed a shade lighter. calum wanted to tell her she was beautiful, but he was nervous. he was afraid she'd laugh in his face. he wasn't quite sure when or why he got so nervous, but it was making this so much more harder for him.

"mr hood, we're here."

calum didn't even remember the car moving nor did he remember it stopping. he opened the door and slid out prior to helping her out.

"take it to my loft on trest avenue and just leave it all in the family area. bring back my spare keys," ordered calum.

"yes sir."

as they walked into the tall, glass building, calum's arm snaked around his girl's waist. his workers looked at him skeptically. they've never seen mr hood with another female, and definitely not intimately.

"you're really hot when you're in charge."

"oh, okay," calum blushed.

a girl in a tight red shirt and a black pencil skirt stalked up to calum and his girl with a manilia folder in hand.

"mr hood, i don't understand how these sales-"

"i'm quite sure we have an accountant for that work."

"y-yes sir."

calum and his metaphorical wife walked hand in hand to the elevator that shined bright in the corner. once they had made it to calum's office, she sat on his lap in the spinning chair.

"i have papers i need to file," he stammered.

she was playing with the collar of his dress shirt and the strings on his heart. it wasn't fair, because she knows what she does to him.

"that can wait. can't you make time for me?" she whispered in calum's ear, enjoying the way he shuddered against her.

calum never responded so she took that as a yes. she pressed their lips together and Calum placed his hands on her hips. after a pretty intense make out session, calum was covered in lipstick.

"mr hood - oh, sorry."

the door slammed before calum could even see who it was. he was pissed. she embarrassed him in front of one of his workers. that's all everyone is going to talk about during lunch. calum was never really reasonable when he was angry.

"get out."

"wait, what?"

"get out."

"but," she mumbled.


and calum watched as she left the room, taking his tie, apartment keys, and his heart with her.

Charlielikescookies and I are going to see Jurassic World tomorrow yay 😁😁😁👌🏽👏🏽😉]

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