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december eighteenth-five years later-he stood at the end of the aisle with his eyes squeezed shut by they grin that over-took his face and reddened his cheeks.

december eighteenth-the day they learned each other's names-she walked down the aisle with a bundle of half dead dandelions in her hands and a fluttering in her heart.

december eighteenth-the day of their wedding- a year ago he met her at a park when he was thirty-five and she was eighteen.

december eighteenth-the day that lasted forever-she smiled because she was happy. not because she had to for the job interview he got her, or because she had to make herself seem normal, or because she had to make her self seem somewhat pretty. she smiled because of him.

while they stood, hand-in-hand, in front of a crowd of strangers and friends, he smiled, and so did she. then he said,

"i wish we met in a coffee shop."

"what does that mean?"

"it's a metaphor."


Metaphor ⚀ c.h.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt