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"You're going home now?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, I just finished with my night studies." You hold back a yawn, rubbing your eyes as you wait for him to give you your change. He glances at the clock, taking note of the late hour. He sucks in a breath, tapping the counter as he thinks.

"Give me a moment, my shift is ending in five, I'll walk you home."

"It's fine, I can go by myself—"

"It's late," he cuts you off, "it's not safe for a girl like you to walk home alone at this timing. It's better if I go with you." He smiles slightly.

You blink slowly before walking towards where the seats are and plopping down.


The night is quiet. Only the sounds of footsteps are audible, along with the occassional movement of dried leaves laying lifelessly on the cold ground.

"What's your name?" he asks.



You softly say his name to yourself.

"What did you like so much about him?" He suddenly questions.

You didn't need to ask further to know who he was thinking about.

"Let me think..." You look down at the ground with your closing eyes. "He was very kind. He was always smiling while helping others." You smile a little, thinking about the guy who made your heart flutter for days on end.

"I guess I was confused. He was very nice to me, I thought I was special to him. I didn't realise that he treated everyone the same way." You purse your lips. "That's why I confessed, thinking that he liked me back. That was a really dumb move." You laugh dryly.

"He's dumb..." Jungkook pouts. "I think you're great, honestly."

You raise a brow at his words and scoff. "Yeah right."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I'm being serious!"

You shake your head, "Sure you are."

"What about you? Have you had a crush on someone? Maybe a girlfriend or two?" You turn to face the boy.

He ponders for awhile, "Nope. I haven't had a girlfriend." He chuckles.

Your jaw drops slightly, "Not even a crush?"

"Yeah, I'm not made for love." Jungkook grins cheekily.

"What the—Jungkook, you are literally one of the best boys I've met, how is it possible that you've never dated anyone?" You question, disbelief pouncing from your tone.

He shrugs nonchalantly.

"I told you," However, when he turns to face you, you see the sadness hidden beneath his eyes, stabbed deeply in his heart, "I'm not made to be loved."

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