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An unpredictable emotion. It can come like cherry blossoms fluttering down a street on a sunny day; a pretty sight for all to behold. At times it may arrive like a raging storm, leaving you beaten and barren without warning.

Love can be powerful.

It can have power over you even if you don't realise it. Its sweet promises of a new beginning or a happy ending are forever alluring. One second you could feel like the happiest person on earth, but the next you could feel like the world has abandoned you.

Love can change.

It can bloom from hate, just like how hate can breed within love. A relationship is vulnerable because of how love changes so easily.

In your case, love never changed. Like how it was unpredictable, it was powerful too. 

Love came to you like sunlight shining through the window, painting onto you as a signal of a fresh start. You never thought you would be able to have what others described as the 'Most wonderful feeling in the entire universe'.

But you were wrong because love came to you through Jungkook.

The past few months without the said person had felt different. Sure, your life went on as usual.  You graduated from university and got a job, but somehow you felt empty. You missed the days with Jungkook.

Now the wait is over.

You're standing in the airport in the area where passengers exit. Your hands are shaking as they clutch onto a yellow beanie. You try to pace your breathing, but the thought of meeting Jungkook again is nerve-wracking. Sure, you can't wait to see his smile and bath in his scent again, but it feels surreal that he's coming back.

He can finally see you now.

Your heart thumps with fear and excitement at the thought of him seeing you for the first time. You breathe a shaky breath, watching as people start to pour out from the doors. Biting your lip, you tiptoe while trying to find the boy you've been missing.

I found you.

You swore you stopped breathing in that moment. You gulp nervously, watching as he approaches the waiting area while looking around.

You put on your beanie with shaky hands, carefully squeezing past the swarm of people to get to Jungkook.


You look up when you hear your name. By now, people were starting to clear up and there were only a few left surrounding you. Your eyes start to burn with tears after hearing the voice you had longed for for months.

"Jungkoo—" Your breath is knocked out of you when Jungkook dives in for a hug. His arms are around you instantly, clutching you tightly as if you would vapourize if he doesn't hold you tight enough.

"I missed you," you whisper softly into his ear, trying hard not to burst into tears.

You bury your head into his neck, hugging him back. You missed the way he would hug you and his smell that would hit your nose the moment you were in his embrace.

"You wore the beanie for me to recognise you," he says, and you laugh in response.

He slowly pulls away from the hug, holding your face as he smiles endearingly. You can tell that he's about to cry too.

"I can see you...I can see you now." He breaks out into a child-like grin before hugging you again.

You laugh and looked up at his face, "How do I look?"

"You look like everything I need." 

His words make you burst into a fit of giggles.

"Gosh I missed you so much..." he mutters, still refusing to let go. 

Not that you want him to.

You pull away reluctantly, the smile never leaving your face as you watch him take in your features.

"You know what?" he asks.

"What?" You look into his eyes lovingly.

He cups your face delicately, kissing you softly before he says with a smile on his face.

"I think I'm ready for love now."

The End.



that's the last chapter for yellow beanie. 

I think this book is a little more special since it's literally my first official happy ending lmao.

thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading as much I enjoyed writing this book!

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