Caramel Macchiato

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Yixing first met Jongdae on a sunny morning. Hair dyed blonde, parted nicely, the corner of his lips curled prettily as he smiled. Those were the sight that greeted him the moment he step into the cozy, small cafe. Yixing remembered how sweet his voice was, and how his breath was caught in his throat. The soft jazz was playing in the background as he took in the man's features, he admired his strong forearms as he made the coffee's.

"Good morning, what can I get for you?"

"Caramel macchiato, less sugar and less ice. The smallest cup you have."

"Your name?"

"My love."

The barista — Yixing learnt from his name tag — Kim Jongdae, cocked an amused brow and a smile made its way to his pretty face. And Yixing loves the curl of his lips, and how pink they are. Even though they were thin, Yixing still think he looked kissable.

"Alright then."

And as he took a seat near the window, earphones tangled in his ear, brown orbs trained on the window as he watched the busy citizens, he cracked into a grin when he heard a familiar voice.

"One caramel macchiato for my love!"

Ah, he definietly will come here more often.

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