Luhan To The Rescue

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"Hey, Xing, how'd it go?"


". . . What?"

"Nothing happened. I didn't do it."

"Why? Did you back away? C'mon, Xing, man up."

"I would if he wasn't kissing a girl right in front of everyone."

"What?!" There was a beat of silence, Yixing sitting on the wooden chair at the park, staring at his feet as he swing them. His face was blank. Everything felt emotionless. "Where are you?"

"At the park."

And then Luhan was there, panting as he stood before him. He immediately engulfed the younger into a hug, burying his face in the latter's hair. He'd seen how excited and nervous Yixing was, he knew what he was planning to do. He had been talking about it almost everytime and he was grinning all the time. And on the day he was about to do it, everything wasn't going according to the plan. His heart ache for Yixing's void of any emotion face, missing the dimpled smile, missing the beaming look on his face.

"It's alright." The older mumbled, caressing his black hair in a soothing manner.

"Did he played me? Am I that easy?" Yixing finally voiced out, his voice weak and small. "Am I that desperate? Am I not good enough? Am I too late?"

Luhan felt the clenching in his chest tighten, he didn't like it. He wasn't used to a broken, sad Yixing. He was used to a smiling, absent-minded, music prodigy Yixing.

"No, you're not. It will all get better, trust me. Maybe he's not the one."

"I want him to."

Luhan sighed but didn't say anything, instead he landed a kiss on his forehead. Wishing it will somehow wash away all his pain. "Come on, let's have dinner at your favorite place, Yifan's treat."

"Thank you, Lu-Ge."

"Anything for you, Xing."

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