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"Good mor– Oh, it's you!" Jongdae let out a bright laugh, and Yixing found himself drowning in the delightful voice. He could get used to this. "So, what can I get for you, my love?" His eyes had a playful glint in them, the brightness reminding Yixing of the sunlight kissing his skin outside.

"Morning. Um," He hummed, looking through the menu hanging behind Jongdae's figure. "I'll get an iced americano. Smallest cup."

"Alright. Your name?"

"Handsome man."

Jongdae laughs again, "Great name."

And as he sit at the table beside the window, the same one as before, he waited until a familiar voice called out — "Iced americano for handsome man!"

Yixing stood up from his chair with a proud smile, feeling the amused and curious gazes on him. And then he took the drink from Jongdae who was smiling at him while saying, "I think that's for me. Isn't it?"

"Indeed it is, handsome man."

Yixing was proud he didn't die right then when Jongdae sent him a wink.

daily sweetness ; xingdaeWhere stories live. Discover now