To Charlotte

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Dear Charlotte,

You were my angel, the one who restored my faith in this world (which was school for me in those days). You taught me that I shouldn't let everything that anyone says, get to me.

It was so random how we met, only luck could ever do that. Sitting next to each other on bar stools and having drinks alone, you spotted me as the famous guy from school. Embarassed, I asked who you were and then you laughed, introducing yourself as just another person from school. I was meant to have you, I was meant to get my life back on track.

Late night calling and hearing your thoughts about people, about behaviour and how you believed in true love, I fell for you as hard as I ever could.

With your black rimmed glasses and my varsity jacket, we were the typical 'the nerd and the jock' duo. I knew people had begun shipping us way before I thought it was safe to ask you to be my prom date.

I was aware that my friends didn't really appreciate me being with you, but I had learned to ignore whatever people said. You were all that mattered to me.

I liked the way you talked about future, I wish I could've made that all come true.

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