Present Day

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"Are you sure about this, buddy?" A gentleman in a black tux was asking another gentleman in another black tux, fixing his bowtie.

"Hell, yeah!" The other gentleman was saying, trying not rock on his heels impatiently, shaking his arms at his sides. He was really excited about the wedding about to take place. His own wedding.

"Jamie, don't take this to heart, bro, but I got to ask this." The first gentleman said, taking a step back after perfecting the bow and looking at his best friend into the eye. "I need to know if this one is like the rest of them."

"The rest of them?" The groom asked in confusion. He had no idea what his best friend was talking about, making the latter sigh in difficulty. He didn't want to make his friend sad before his own wedding but the talk was necessary for the longer run.

"You've never had a girlfriend for more than three months. You've never really loved anyone before even though you use the word around like it doesn't cost anything. It costs hearts, Jamie. You're getting married today. Marriage is a big thing. You need to be in love with the person for your marriage to be a happy one or to be one for a while. Because you cannot have a divorce after just three months. Look, I care about you. And I know you. Trust me, I do. And I want you to be honest with me here, bro. Do you love her? Because she isn't like the rest of them girls you just dated for fun and threw around like dirt in high school. This is real life, the practical life. You aren't the king here any more. You can't play with her heart like you did to the rest of them back then. Because let's face it, you fucked them and left them. You weren't in love with them, were you?"

Jameson's face lost all the colours it had a few moments ago. Here, standing in front of him on his wedding day was his best friend from school, shoving it to his face that no matter how long he went ahead in life, people would keep judging him without even knowing who he really was and how he really felt.

He knew he had never been someone to hold relationships long and steady, but that had never stopped him from hoping that the next one would be the one. He was never afraid to put his own heart on the line for the person who trusted him from the other side.
He never played anyone, only gave all of himself.

And yet judgements got their way in the end, every time.

"I need to be alone for a while." He told his supposed best friend and best man.

"I didn't mean to make you dull, bro. I just wanted you to be sure about this one."

"I know, I know." He dismissed with a smile, turning around and going over to the desk kept in the other side of the room.

"What are you doing?" His best friend asked.

"You go ahead, I'll be there in a while. Just got a small letter to write."


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