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The worst part about being in college is the work. And the waking up early. And literally everything else.

One thing that made it bareable is this kid who sits next to you in your theatre class. You think his name is Hansol, but you two have never actually introduced yourselves. All you have actually said is jokes about how the class is 'such a catch' and 'we're so lucky to have gotten into this class!' (Note the sarcasm)

Today was no different.

The moment you walked in you noticed something was off. Was it the fact the teacher wasn't here? Or maybe the fact half the class, including Hansol, was missing? Nonetheless the project was written on the whiteboard in black ink, and the only reason you were staying is because a) its warm in the theatre and b) it's cold as HELL outside. It was -7 degrees Celsius, and the fact that you 1) forgot to bring a jacket like you normally do and 2) Locked. Your keys. In your apartment.


After about 15 minutes of scrolling through your Pinterest feed, the rest of the class finally shows up. You give Hansol a confused look and he mouths the word 'later.' You nod your head in understanding. Once everyone is settled into their seats, the professor storms in, probably expecting to have had no one show up. With a shocked expression he explains the project on the board.

"Alright class. In these next few weeks you are going to be doing a scene from the wretched tale of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet."
Most of the class groaned in protest, you and Hansol included.

This was something that you and Hansol talked about regularly. Why was Romeo and Juliet put on so much? Why not Hamlet? Or A Midsummer Nights Dream? Or any other play besides the teenage romance that was just hormonal teenagers being too impatient on the progression of rest?

"Don't give me that tone. This project is 40 percent of your grade this semester, so don't take it lightly. Your partners have already been assigned so don't worry about walking around for half an hour looking for one."

You sat, dazed about who you would get paired with, when you heard your name being called ".... (Y/N) and Hansol...." You're surprised, but smiling. Being partnered with someone you know is a rare moment, but this was one of those moments.

You glanced over at Hansol. He was already looking at you, smirking with an amused gleam in his eye.
"So, partner," he exclaimed, the smirk never leaving his face, "what scene would you want to do?" Hansol was cute, there was no doubt about it. He was also better about performing in front of people. He was a musician after all. You had heard a few of his songs, and if you were being honest, they were incredible.

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)?" Hansol waved a hand at in your face. You must have dazed off staring at him. That's embarrassing.

"Oh, uh, sorry..." You muttered. Noticing that you seemed a bit timid at the moment, he gave a crooked smile and joked, "It's okay (Y/N), not everyone can resist my beauty."
You chuckled along with him, the atmosphere changing.

"So I was thinking we can do the death scene?" You asked.
"Why? That's what everyone else is doing." He exclaimed.
"And how do you know that?" You asked again. How did he know that?

"It was something that we talked about before. You were really excited about the fact that everyone thinks the death scene is the most important, when in fact, it's the balcony scene." He remembered. You didn't think he would remember your conversations, but judging by what just happened, he does.

"Alright then. Balcony scene it is." You announced. You were smiling now and so was Hansol. Suddenly you remembered earlier.

"Hey, so what was with you being late today?" You asked. "Oh, I was with Dino and Wonwoo. We had a dance practice that ran longer than we thought. Sorry if I scared you." He winked. He was too cute. You weren't sure if you had a crush on him, but being with him, even in silence, was comforting. He made you feel a warm sensation in your stomach, and was the only one to make you blush. Did you like him? Whatever you felt was growing as time passed on.

"So do you want to come over to work on the scene?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure. I just need a jacket first. I left mine at home." You said.
"Oh here." He said, taking off his jacket. "Oh no, I can't take your jacket." You said. It was too cold to walk outside without a coat, or something warm.

"I insist. Plus I have an extra in the dressing room. Since we practice here a lot, I started keeping one here." He explained. That makes sense.

You take his jacket and put it on. It's big, warm, and smells like him. He led you to the dressing room to grab his extra jacket. Inside there was clothes, bottles of water, and healthy snacks for the boys. They must practice here a lot.

You watched as he grabbed the jacket off of the rack. Once he put it on, he grabbed your hand, and walked you out of the building.
As soon as you walked out, you recoiled into Hansol. It seemed the temperature dropped to -10 degrees Celsius.

Hansol wrapped an arm around you, feeling you shiver. "Don't worry. My building is just a few minutes away." Hansol proclaimed. You nodded in understanding.


After almost freezing, you and Hansol arrived to his apartment. You bolted inside, the heat helping to get feeling back in your hands. Hansol closed the door behind him, proceeding to take off his coat. You follow in suite.

His apartment, which he mentioned he shared with Dino and Wonwoo, was suprisingly well kept. You sat on the couch, Hansol going into the kitchen. For what, you had no clue. It only took a minute for him to come back into the room, holding two mugs of hot chocolate. You thank him and take a mug. The steamy liquid seemed to clear your head, as Hansol pulled out the script given to him by the teacher.

"Alright. Let's see what we've got to work on." Hansol exclaimed. While you drank the hot chocolate, you pointed at a spot that would be perfect to start at.

"How about here?" You questioned.
"Perfect!" Hansol exclaimed.

You both set your hot chocolates down and stand up to start.
Hansol grabbed your hand before saying, "I profane with my unworthiest hand. The holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."

You join in, "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much. Which mannerly devotion shows in this, for saint have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch. And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."

Hansol retaliates "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." You tease.

Hansol smiles before saying his line, " O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." He smirked.

You blushed, and said, "Saints do not move, though for prayers sake." You smiled.

Hansol stepped closer, holding your face in his hands, before whispering "Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take."

Hansol leaned in, his hot breath fanning your face gently. Your eyes flickered from his, to his lips. You leaned in as well, closing the distance between the both of you. His lips were soft, and tasted of peppermint. When you both pulled away for air Hansol breathlessly said, "Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged."

You smiled "Then have my lips the sin that they have took."

He smirked again, licking his lips, "Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again."

He kissed you again, his arms wrapping around your waist. Your arms going around his neck.

You break once more.
"Scene." You say, laughing.
"I don't want it to be over though." Hansol pouted. You giggle and kiss his nose. "I don't think this will be."

    My first imagine!! What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments, and don't be scared to request something! Till next time.

Vernon(hansol) Seventeen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now