Theatre Nerds - Part 2

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You unlocked the door to your apartment, putting your bag against the wall. Vernon walked in behind you, taking his coat off and putting it on the counter. You set down your keys, when you heard the jingle of a collar. You look down the hall to see your beagle puppy, Dino. (I had to ;))

Vernon turned to look at Dino and his eyes lit up with child wonder. He looked so adorable. Wait, where did that come from? You can't be falling for him, You just met him! Kinda. You have known him for longer than a day, and he has seen you more then once.

Vernon had picked up Dino and was holding him on the couch, scratching him behind the ears. You smiled at the scene in front of you. It warmed your heart to see them together. You walked over to the kitchen to start making some tea. As you put the kettle on, you went to grab some muffins from the refrigerator.

As you put the muffins onto a plate, and grabbed some teacups, the kettle started whistling. You grabbed the kettle,and poured the tea into a teapot to match the cups. You put everything onto a tray and brought it to the living room, setting the tray down onto the coffee table.

You poured two cups of tea and grabbed 3 lumps of sugar for yourself. You turned to Vernon, holding the bowl of sugar. He grabbed 3 lumps as well and put them into his tea. You took the remote from the table and turned on your favorite movie, (f/m).

Vernon set Dino onto the couch, in between the pair of you, and grabbed his teacup and a muffin. You set your hand on Dinos back, not noticing Vernons hand was already there. He takes this opportunity to hold your hand, and you looked down at your conjoined hands and blushed. You looked back up to Vernon and he was smiling, with a faint blush on his cheeks. You smiled too, turning your head back to the movie. You felt Dino move into your lap, and Vernon move closer to you, wrapping his arm around you. You kept smiling, snuggling into his chest.

--time skip to the end of the movie--

Vernon's P.O.V

The end credits started playing, signaling the end of the movie. I heard a soft snore and looked down. (Y/N) had fallen asleep on my shoulder. They looked so adorable, curled up on my arm. Dino had also fallen asleep in (Y/N)s arms, making the scene even cuter. I unwrapped my arm from around their shoulders, and went to lift them both up, one arm under (Y/N)s knees, and the other on their upper back, Dino sleeping peacefully on top of them. I walked out of the living room, and walked down the hallway, turning into their room. Their room was covered with playbills and posters of musicals that they had probably worked on sets for. They had told me about them wanting to act in shows, but them being to shy. I've seen them rehearse and they were incredible. They just need a little boost of confidence to get them on stage. Maybe I could help them for the next few shows.

I set them down on their bed and grabbed a blanket from the end of their bed, and tucked them in. Dino had moved off of (Y/N) and went to his dog bed. I turned to leave, when I felt a hand grab mine. I turned back to see a sleepy (Y/N), their eyes slightly open, looking at me. They pulled my hand down, bringing me closer to them.

"Please, don't go." (Y/N) whispered, in a cute, child-like voice. A small, tired smile grew on their face, and I couldn't say no. I went around to the other side of the bed, and laid down with them. (Y/N) moved closer to me and buried themselves into my chest. They grabbed my hand again and put it between us. I could hear Dino moving, and felt him jump up on the bed again. Dino then came between (Y/N) and I and moved under our conjoined hands. I felt (Y/N)s breathing slow, and matched my breathes to theirs. Within a few minutes, I had fallen asleep.

Everything was calm.

And the city that never sleeps, for once, had finally become peaceful and quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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