Weight (Chubby!Reader)

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oh my goodness, i'm so so sorry that i haven't posted in so long. i've been having writers block, and a few things happened at school before we were let out. but here is one that i'm really happy about. ENJOY!-kay

You were in the kitchen making breakfast with Hansol, one of your best friends, and long time crush. His group had finally moved to New York. And decided to be cheap, by living with you. The rooms were Dino and Wonwoo, and you shared a room with Hansol.
Hansol never made fun of you, like most people on the street did. And whenever you would self deprecate, he would try to lift your spirits. He was extremely nice to you, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body.

That's why you like him. And Dino and Wonwoo would tease you both about it. All. The. Time. Whenever Hansol was around he would try to find a way to get you closer to each other. Whether it was him sitting next you, or literally shoving him into you, he was so insistent that you two were made for each other.

Today was like any other day, you and Hansol cooking breakfast, and Dino and Wonwoo teasing that you guys are an old married couple when you tell them to get off the counters and ....

"STOP EATING ALL THE NUTELLA!!" You and Hansol yell in unison. You both look at each other and smirk, something you do when you have an idea. You hand Hansol one of the bowls of batter for the pancakes, while grabbing the other. Both of you start towards Wonwoo and Dino, them having their backs to the pair of you. You look at each other again, nodding in conformation. When you turn back to the boys, you spill the contents of the bowls onto their heads. They scream in surprise, yelling about how cold it is, until Dino starts licking the batter off his hands.

You look at Hansol, noticing that he was actually looking at you, with what you assimilate as general admiration. You blush and look away from him, instead focusing on the mass destruction that is now your kitchen. You sent Dino and Wonwoo to get cleaned up and grab a bucket of water, a mop, and a few rags. Hansol notices you struggling to carry everything and grabs the bucket of water from you, seeing as that was the heaviest item, and you were not that strong. His hand brushes yours for a moment, and you blush again. You don't know why, he was just going to grab the bucket, it's not like he was trying to hold your hand or anything. But the texture of his fingers, rough and calloused, felt comfortable against your soft and rounded hand.

He set the bucket on the wooden floor as you put the rags on the counter, and dipped the mop into the water, starting to clean. Hansol grabbed one of the rags and started to wipe off the countertops. You sensed his boredom after a few minutes, but knew he was too nice to say anything. You stopped mopping for a second and grabbed your phone, going to play music. You put your playlist on shuffle and 'Baby Don't Stop' by NCT U came on. Hansols head turned to you, as you went back to mopping, a smile on your face. You started hearing Hansol sing along to the song, and you were moving your hips to the beat. Unknowingly, Hansol had stopped cleaning as he was watching you dance, biting his lip.

You spun around and saw Hansol watching you. You blushed, again, in embarrassment. You went back to cleaning and Hansol came up behind you and hugged you. "You did really well, aleumdaun." He whispered to you. You turn around and hug him back, burying your pink toned face into his chest, smelling the cologne he had obviously put on this morning. When his arms were around you they felt like home. The smell of wood reminded you of when you and Hansol went on a hike about a year ago. That was when you had really started to develop feelings for him.

You sensed a presence behind you, so you turned around. Only to find Dino and Wonwoo filming the pair of you. "Do you want to give something to film?" Hansol quietly asked you. You nodded your head, not knowing what was coming. He grabbed your hands and placed them around his neck, while his hands found your waist. He leaned in slowly, his breath fanning your face. You breathing slowed, and your eyes closed as his lips captured yours in a blissful kiss. The taste of chocolate still an his lips. You heard Dino and Wonwoo gasp, as Hansol smirked, deepening the kiss further. When you both pulled away, breathless, Hansol whispered, "I've always wanted to kiss an angel you know", while smirking.

"I freaking knew it!" Dino shouted.

Vernon(hansol) Seventeen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now