Theatre Nerds - Part 1

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Okay so in this it's just gonna be you and Hansol, no Dino or Wonwoo or anybody else from Seventeen, because a commenter made me realise that I always have Dino as a giant shipper, so i'm just not gonna have them in this. I also have both you and Hansol living in New York and you both live in the same apartment. Okay AN over.

You had just left your apartment building, walking around the block to the theatre. You had always loved the show and the sets, seeing as you had worked here for two years now. Whether it was costume design, acting, or set design, you loved the idea of being at the theatre. Tonight was the 'Newsies' opening night, one of your favorite musicals ever. When you walked up to get your ticket, you saw that Shana was working the ticket counter. You smiled at her as she handed you your ticket.

"Thanks, Shana." You told her. She smiled and nodded back to you. You walked inside the auditorium to your seat. You were seated in the third row of the house. You were so excited to see this show, being that you helped with a lot of it. You wanted to audition for the show, but your stage fright got the best of you. Again. This was the third show that you wanted to act in, but you could never bring yourself to it.

As people started filing in you practically bounced in your seat. As the house lights started to dim, one person came in a little late. Your eyes were still glued to the stage, or at least they were until a tall figure sat in front of you. Your face dropped, knowing that you wouldn't be able to see most of the show. You had tried your best to look around the mans head, but it was no use. You wouldn't be able to see your favorite show on opening night. You started to become mad, why did this person have to sit in front of you? Of all people, and of all nights, it had to be tonight. You wanted to hit this man with your playbill but decided to wait until intermission, not wanting to disturb all the other people in the theatre.

--time skip brought by the spirit of Dino--

At the intermission, you went on a search for the man in front of you. You had spent a lot of the first act studying the back of this mans head, knowing he had light brown hair, and was wearing a black tinted coat. You had looked all over the lobby looking for said person, when you turned and recognised a familiar hairstyle. You marched up to the man and folded your playbill. You then proceeded to hit the man in the back of the head with it. A soft 'ow' had come from the man, as he turned around, rubbing his head.

.... Holy hell he is handsome. You held your glare, as he looked at you with confusion.
"Are you row 2 seat 7?" You asked. He nodded, still looking confused. You rolled your eyes.
"I was the seat behind you, and your big head blocked the entire show!" You scolded. His eyes widened, as he hung his shoulders low, the obvious guilt emitting from him. You suddenly felt bad for scolding him, he was only trying to watch the show after all. And you have seen the show at dress rehearsal. You looked at the ground, guilt slowly eating at you as well.

You looked back up at the handsome stranger, to see he was already looking at you. You sighed and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you, or yelled at you. You were just trying to enjoy the show. Can I make it up to you with some tea?" You asked. He looked at you with surprise. After some talking, and making sure that neither one of you is a mass-murderer, he decided that he would, in fact, come to your apartment for tea and muffins. When the lights started flickering, signaling that the intermission was ending, you grabbed, which you now knew his name as Vernon, and started walking back to your seats. You felt like you had known him your whole life, and realized that you had seen him at dance rehearsal with some of his friends. You had spoken to him before, but never like this. And certainly not with this amount of nerves whenever he looked at you with astonishment, when you told him that you made the costumes and sets.

When you walked back to your seats, you saw Vernon go to the third row. You looked at him confused. He turned to you and nodded to the second row, signaling you to go to his seat. When you sat down, he leaned forward to whisper,

"You couldn't see before, remember?" His hot breath fanned the back of your neck, and you felt him smirk. You gripped your hands together, feeling them start to become clammy.

For the enter second act, you couldn't focus on anything except the way Vernons hand stayed on your shoulder, or the fact that he kept whispering to you saying that it was his favorite part. You were smiling all throughout the show.

--time skip cause I want to progress the story--

You and Vernon were walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand, to your apartment complex. Apparently Vernon also lived there, in the floor above you. How convenient.

As you rode the elevator up to your floor, you couldn't help but take a glance at Vernon. He was so handsome, and the fact he didn't hate you after you hit him with a playbill, was surprising. He was staring at his phone as you kept staring at him. All of a sudden, he looked up, catching you in the act. He smiled at you as you blushed a deep shade of red. The elevator rang, signaling you to get off. You led Vernon to your apartment.

This is gonna be interesting.

Hi, so I'm gonna have this be a two part imagine, so don't yell at me. I want them all to be around the same length and this one is way exceeding it, so I will see you in part two!! Love y'all-kay

Vernon(hansol) Seventeen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now