Day 1: S.O.S Present Disaster

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Ship: Djwifi

Word Count: 1.886

Summary: Alya and Nino got each other for their secret Santa. Nino has it quite easy and knows what to buy for Alya, but Alya has no idea what she has to get for Nino and ask Adrien for help. Nino turns out to have the same struggles to get Alya and went to Marinette to get some help. 


Alya looked at the paper she had drawn out of the bowl a few weeks ago. She had hoped for Marinette’s name or even Adrien would have been fine, but of course she had to draw out her boyfriend’s name. Which mean she couldn’t just give him some body lotion and deodorant, like she would had done if it was Adrien’s name on the paper. No, it meant she had to come up a gift that he really wanted and / or had a lot meaning.

She had tried to figure out if there was something Nino really wanted to have without being too suspicious about it. However, she didn’t had any success as it seems that Nino already had everything he wanted to have.

And so she found her way to the Agreste mansion, hoping that her boyfriend’s best friend could help her get something for him.

“Hello?” A female voice said once some camera had come out of the wall and was aimed on her.

Hello, is Adrien home?” Alya asked
“I’m sorry but fans aren’t allowed be around the mansion. Have a good day.”
“Wait. I’m not a fan, I’m Alya. I’m in Adrien’s class and we’re partner for a project that has to be done after the Christmas vacation.” Alya said quickly.
“I see… come on in. I’ll bring you to Adrien.” 

The camera disappeared into the wall and the doors of the front garden opened. Alya walked towards the front door. She had been here a few times before, but the huge garden and mansion still impressed her. Once she reached the front door, she saw Adrien’s father’s assistant Nathalie.

“Adrien is in his room right now. You can follow me.” she said professionally.

Alya followed her quietly. Nathalie seems like a kind woman if you really knew her, but if you weren’t close she looked rather like an intimidating strong women. Even Alya and her journalistic skills couldn’t stand a chance to have a conversation with her.

Nathalie had knocked on the door of Adrien’s room before she opened the door and walked in, Alya following quietly.

“Adrien, your classmate Alya is here to work on your school project.” Nathalie announced.

Adrien looked confused for a split second as they didn’t have gotten any homework that needed to be finished after the holidays. Alya hoped Nathalie wouldn’t notice it. Adrien soon enough confirmed it that they were project partners before Nathalie could even suspect anything. School projects had often been the lie the group of friends used when they wanted to hang out with Adrien.

“Adrien you need to help me.” Alya pleaded her friend once Nathalie had left. “I don’t know what to buy as a present.”

You know the thing with secret Santa is that you don’t tell anyone, let alone go straight to the person who you have on your note.” Adrien said as he placed his book back on the shelf.

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