Day 3: A Girl That Won't Give Up Easily

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Ship: Gabriel x Emilie

Word Count: 2.436

Summary: Emilie was a volunteer caroler. she always go around the houses in the neighborhood to sing the Christmas carols and collect money for a charity. Gabriel on the other hand isn’t that found of Christmas and doesn’t really like the whole holiday stuff as his parents never really gave attention to it. Due to that he never did anything with it and began to get annoyed by the holiday. So when he saw that Emilie had rung his bell he quickly turned off the lights to pretend he wasn’t home. However Emilie didn’t give up that easily.


It was a cold December evening, the wind blow softly as snow fell slowly to the ground. It was colder than last year, but none of the carolers let that stop them from singing at each front door. Or well almost every front door.

“Emilie, we’re not going to try and sing for that Mr. Scrooge. He was never home anyways, and his house doesn’t scream Christmas at all.” one of the carolers said.

He was talking about Mr. Agreste. Every year he wasn’t home when they were Caroling, so eventually when they saw that the lights were off they didn’t even try anymore. However this time it was different. The lights were on for a change.

“But André, the lights are on. So that means he is home.” Emilie said hopefully.
“Or he just forgot to turn them off before leaving the house.”
“Just let her try. There might be a small chance he would open the door, although that chance is very small… we can go off to another house while she tries to carol for Mr. Scrooge.”
“Thanks Nathalie!”

With that Emilie left the group and walked towards the house. The house was quite big, had white walls, black roof tiles, a front garden that was very neat and of course no Christmas decorations. She walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

Gabriel sat down at his kitchen table that stood in the living room. He was working on a design for one of his costumers, he had opened commissions a year ago right before he turned 27, when suddenly the doorbell rang. He placed the just drawn pattern and scissors back onto the surface of the table.

He then walked towards the kitchen so he could see who was at the door through the kitchen window. At his door stood a blonde girl, who was probably around his age. She was wearing a dark green coat on top of her dark red dress with a tartan pattern all over it, on top of her head was one of those old fashioned hats which stayed in place by the ribbon that got laced under the chin, women used to wear those kind 100 or so years ago. Her whole look was like she just walked out of a Christmas house or something.

“Shit…” Gabriel cursed once he realized that today was the evening those people sang for some charity. He totally forgot about it.

He quickly wanted to leave the kitchen before she spotted him, but of course luck wasn’t on his side. As the girl waited she looked around and happens to catch his glance. Her face lit up the moment she saw Gabriel. He had no idea why, but nonetheless it was adorable.

Gabriel took the string of the blinds that hung above the window and pulled at it, in no time the blinds fell down to the window sill. He heard the girl let out a groan in annoyance. He let out a sigh in relief, the girl would probably leave now.

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