Chapter 9

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Baylee POV

Today is the first day of court. Jahvon pleaded not guilty to his charges and I have to go testify against him today.

I got up this morning and got dressed for the day. I'm not ready to go face him in court but I dont really have a choice if I want him to go away for what he did.

I have been staying with my dad since everything went down with Jahvon and me being in the hospital. I went downstairs when i finished getting ready.

Prince was already here. He's going to court with us today. Everyone is coming. My family is my whole support system.

We left the house and drove to the courthouse. When we got there, we all went in and found our seats.

Eventually, my case was called and I had to go up.

I went up to the stand and was sworn in.

Prosecutor: Ms. Kingston, was the incident which happened on August 17th the first time the defendant, Mr. Wilson had been abusive towards you?

Me: No. He had been abusive for the past 6 months before then.

Prosecutor: Your honor, ladies and gentlemen, the defendant is a serial abuser. There has been previous reports filed against him by 3 other women in the last year and a half. All 3 refused to testify and the cases were dropped.

It was now time for the defense to question me.

Defense: Ms. Kingston, when did you and Mr. Wilson first start eating?

Me: Around June of 2017.

Defense: How was your relationship at that time.?

Me: It was good. He was every thing i was looking for. Smart, kind, romantic, and dependable. He was an all around great guy until he became abusive.

Defense: When did he begin to abuse you?

Me: About a month after I moved in with him.

Defense: Why did you move in with him after only knowing him for a matter of months?

Me: I was struggling and I needed a stable place to stay so he offered for me to move in with him.

Defense: What was your financial state? Where were you working?

Me: I was an assistant coach for a dance team in New Orleans.

Jahvon: Tell them where you worked after you quit yo job as assistant coach.

Defense: You quit your jon as an assistant coach on December 12th, 2017. Where did you work after that because you still had a steady income?

Me: I...I was a stripper.

Defense: And where did you work?

Me: I worked in the club that Jahvon owned.

Jahvon: You was doing more than stripping.

Defense: I have heard from my client and other witnesses that you were also engaging in sexually explicit acts in exchange for money.

Prosecutor: I object your honor. This is in no way relevant to the case at hand.

Judge: Sustained. Counsel, bringing up the young lady's past work history has nothing to do with the case against your client.

Defense: What happened when my client allegedly gave you a broken nose?

Me: We had came up here to visit my family and Princeton showed up. He was jealous of the fact that Prince had told him that he was my first love and when I hugged him, Jahvon gravved me and nearly drug me up the stairs to my old room. He was yelling at me when we got there and he slapped me down to the ground. I told him I was sorry and he said that he didn't think I was sorry yet so he picked me up off the ground and then he punched me in the nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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