Chapter 1

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As I was leaning forward to try and get a closer look. I was right over the edge of the small, wood railing, when I heard someone pretty much yelled at me. "Your home, Finally, we have been waiting" said my mother in a booming voice. I was so surprised I fell over the railing, hurting my old injury on my ankle. I yelped in pain and my mother rushed to help me. She brought me inside and wrapped my leg and a memory suddenly came back to me, I had always injured myself somehow in this house. That is why my mother knows so much about helping me, perhaps also because she studied to become a nurse, but that didn't happen.

Somehow, I had twisted my ankle, it throbbed and hurt immensely, but my mother made it much better with the medicine she had. As for my dad, he was completely ignoring my little episode, maybe he saw me hurt many times before because he acted like it was completely normal.

My mother started to say "you should be more careful, you always did this as a kid too, I don't want to see you hurt-. Then I interrupted her, "I'm fine its just my ankle, I can still walk". I then got up, there was still an imminent irritation. I then got my luggage and Mother showed me to my old room, It was decorated with old drawings I did throughout my childhood. It was weird to be in this room again with a window right above my bed, and a pink blanket over the bed. I remembered my nights of sleep paralysis, when I screamed because of my lucid dreams.

These dreams seem to be something that was regular back then. I haven't thought about it for years, I have a disease called dementia, it impaired my memory and visual perception. I have Alzheimers which is one type of dementia, it is incurable and most of all effected my life in a negative way, luckily, I don't have it severely yet, so I can still communicate and think rationally.

Then I decided to stop thinking of things like that and settle into the room, which was also painted royal blue with a beige color. Then I put the luggage on the floor and started to open it up and unpack, as soon as I was done, I hurried down stairs to talk with my mother and father. When I got into the living room my parents were playing some card game. I asked how they have been, and my mother replied, "We have been fine, the usual" and my dad looked away in disgust. His mood was always sour, even on the holidays. Then my mother said, to stop the awkward silence, "Have you unpacked yet, your old dresser will do", I then replied "Yep I have already put everything away in the dresser and I will take a shower soon In the bathroom connected to my bedroom."

I then grabbed a snack from the refrigerator, I noticed the clock on the wall said it was 9:40 pm. As I was walking down the hallway to my room, I noticed the grandfather clock right at the end of the hallway, making me extremely uneasy. I continued into my room and quickly eat my snack. I noticed a face in the window, I jumped back and then it was gone. I looked back at it confused, I rubbed my eyes and decided I was imagining stuff again with my dementia. I then grabbed my new, clean clothes and went into the bathroom.

It was a decently big bathroom consisting of a toilet, shower, a medicine cabinet, and a sink. I then started to undress and started the steaming hot water, I then noticed in the mirror the same face. I was completely convinced it was my imagination again, so I just hopped into the shower. When I was done, I went to my bed and started to check social media, like my Instagram. I scrolled through posts for what seemed like hours, then I checked the time it was almost 12.

I thought nothing of it and tried to sleep. But little did I know I wasn't going to get any not tonight. It isn't because of my sleep paralysis which still hasn't happened in years since therapy.

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