Chapter 2

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The next morning, the sun shone into my window, while I yawned and slowly got out of bed. I rushed down the stairs, into the living room. I saw mother cooking breakfast, my favorite, pancakes with her homemade syrup. She also included some raspberries and blueberries on the top. My mouth was watering as I smelled more of the golden-brown pancakes and some bacon being cooked to perfection. 

My father now, came into the room and grumbled under his breath as he sat next to me. We sat there in silence, waiting for my mother to get done cooking. I remembered something about my father, but it has been so long since that happened, so why is he acting more cold than usual. His eyes burrowed into my soul, it felt as though he was planning to rip my soul right out of my body. I glanced out of the window, counting down the minutes until mother came with breakfast. Finally, I was ready to dig in considering I didn't have much to eat yesterday except the airplane food and my late night snack.

After the scrumptious meal, I helped mother with the dishes, while my father read his favorite book quietly. I quickly looked away so I wouldn't get yelled at by him and continued to focus on the dishes. Once we were all done with the cleaning I headed outside and started towards the stables. 

The structure was old fashioned and rustic. I had a memory pop up in my head. I remember running over to the stables as a little girl and helping my dad clean the hay and riding a chestnut pony. I also remember Winter, a beautiful white Friesian with a black stocking on her right, front leg. The way we worked together, galloping through the small hills in the spring with muddy patches of grass, dirtying both of us. But we didn't take any notice to it. 

My mind went back to the present as I ran into the stable, seeing Winter's first and only foal. She looked a lot like her mother although my parents couldn't afford both horses I loved that they still kept Winter's baby. I had named her Snow, I know so original, but anyways she was like my own child because I used to spend every minute with her. Now she was full grown and just as gorgeous as Winter. I went up to her slowly, her eyeing me inquisitively, with a hint of excitement. 

She slowly started to accept my presence, then I slowly began stroking her nose lightly and she snorted, pulling her head away. I chuckled as she then noticed me and she lowered her head towards my hand. It felt as though she had blessed me and it felt as if I had returned the favor. I decided to try and put her bridle and saddle on she didn't approve much. So I left it for another day and finished cleaning and taking care of the four horses, including Snow.

As I left the stable I noticed some footprints going out of the front archway. I was very confused for, it was a huge sized boot print, definitely no one I knew. I stopped myself from pondering it anymore, for it was a waste of time without any clues to who it was. I started back to the house It was already mid-day when I went back inside and my mother was quietly reading the newspaper, an article about the locals. A missing person's photo had caught my eye and I remembered the large boot prints. 

I told my mother what I had seen these few days and she looked at me, obviously troubled. I then told her we should lock all the doors when we sleep and she agreed. 

I was in deep though as I lay on my bed. I thought of terrible "what ifs" and so on. I decided to do some of my homework, I was still in college and of course I had to keep up with my homework, otherwise I could be in trouble or even kicked out. I am currently trying to get a major in graphic design and someday help with animations. 

After I finished my homework I started working on my drawings, I was planning to draw a little comic relaying the message of appreciating life. Once I was halfway done drawing what was supposed to be cute characters to balance out the meaning and art style. I looked down and noticed scribbles across forming what looked like a black hole, slowly swallowing the page.

~Thanks for reading and sorry for the way delayed update I was busy with school and helping teasippinnerd with her book. I will try updating at least twice in two weeks.~

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