Chapter 6

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I walked down stairs, into the kitchen. It was dark without the light on and It blinded me when I turned it on. I guess Sam and Douglas were upstairs still sleeping. I didn't have much to do today so I decided to go to the public library, I was a huge nerd when I was younger. I always loved the fantasy and horror books.

When I arrived in the parking lot, it was small and rectangular. The entrance was beautifully designed with a modern style. The doors were made of glass with white framing. When I walked inside the entrance there was another set of doors and the entrance way was filled with posters and decorations.

The desk at the front left side was made of wood and a granite top. There were computers scattered in the building and bookshelves lining the walls. It was very different compared to when I was younger. I went straight to the fantasy sign where I looked over the new books. I grabbed a random one and flipped through it.

I started to feel nauseous, I brought the book to a chair in the corner of the room and started to read thoroughly, hoping I wouldn't become even more nauseous. I felt dizzy almost to an unbearable point. I let the darkness swallow me. It felt like hours

I awoken to a loud bang the book fell from my hands, I realized the image on the cover had changed. The face grotesque on the front. I looked up the library was dark and quiet. Where was everyone?

I pondered that thought, then I heard a noise coming from behind the bookshelf in front of me. I guess someone is here. But I was terribly wrong. I peeked through some books and saw the thing starting to knock down books. shredings of paper and book covers were left on the ground. I caught a glimpse of rotting flesh. I shivered starting to cower. I was too scared to move.

The thing's eyes peered through the bookshelf on the other side. It's eyes were bloodshot with bland, greenish hue of skin around the eye. The pupil was dilated and dark. I started to breath heavily.

Heaving in and out, trying to steady my heart rate. But to no avail, my pulse quickened.

The thing started to crawl on top of the bookcase and when it got to the top it looked down at me then, it's eyes darted down.

I stared at it, frozen. "Snap out of it" I yelled to myself in my mind. I wanted to run and go home but I couldn't. The thing started to make a low growling sound, like that of a starved animal. It started to look around aimlessly, continuing to make that terrific sound. It must be blind, I thought to myself, trying not to make any sound which would give me away anymore than I already was.

It started to crawl down the side of the bookshelf, continously growling angrily. It left slobber all over the bookshelf, looking like a gross, misty waterfall. I started to lightly step one by one, trying not to provoke the creature and keeping my distance.

It looked around still holding onto the shelf, defying gravity. After I reached the end of the row I gathered my courage. I was shaking vigorously as I lunged forward, trying to get away. The thing immediately was running behind me, on four legs. I paused, looking for a place to go. I darted up the stairs and into an office like room.

The desk was right up against a window, there was no other doors, but there was a closet. I quietly shuffled into the closet, shutting the door gently. I heard the creature screeching, it sounded like a train trying to stop in it's tracks. It, making a high pitched squeal was all it took to make me shiver and cower in fear. I stood there trying not to make a loud sound, so it wouldn't come find me.

Suddenly, a loud thump was heard behind me, a book fell from the top shelf, I froze.

The creature was coming and I knew it all too well. And all I could do was hope it wouldn't open the closet door... I heard the thing open the door to the pact office, a liquid dripping off the handles, then the creaking of the old wooden door. I violently started to shake, predicting I will be shred to pieces by the time it opens the closet.

It meandered through the room bumping into everything. I held in a scream of fear and stress, I started to sob. I can't take this anymore. The creature grabbed the closet handle and wiggled it, I continued to hear that taunting drip. I thought for sure that I would die here.

The door slowly creaking open. It's face was mangled in a mess of blood and rotting flesh, eyes bloodshot and dark, almost pitch-black, which looked hallowed out. The creature sniffed at the air moving it's human like face around. It's senses finally caught me and it growled with a deep grumble, focusing on me.

I tried my hardest not to breathe, holding my hand up to my mouth. It's face inches away, I could smell the rotting flesh, which was rotting away on its face. It then launched at me once it knew exactly where I was and I struggled to get away. I was no match for this thing as it lifted it's claw and bashed down on my head. I was bleeding, crimson. All I could taste in my mouth was copper.

It tried to scratch me again, lifting it's claws into the air, as if to show off to me that it could do more than slice through my delicate skin. It could slaughter me right now, looking down at me, I hopped to get out of this hell.

Then it clawed at my face once again, leaving painful marks across my cheek.

I jumped up into my seat, practically throwing the book I was holding into the air. My breathing was irregular and my heart was going a mile a minute. I sighed in relief, thankfully everything was just a dream. That monster attacked me so violently, I was still on edge.

I looked around in panic and saw a few people and the lights were on, with books where they should be. I still didn't feel safe, so I got up and ran out the door.

Once I got back home I was more relaxed, although I really should have known this feeling would go away in an instant. The feeling of being secure never lasts for a long time, especially for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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