Chapter 5

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I suddenly awoke in my seat, seeing that we are in the middle of watching more scientific, crap video. My bestfriend, Kamri was sitting next to me, giving me a wink. I laughed, almost out loud but instead chuckled. She was just messing with me like usual. Molly sat on the other side of me giving me her resting bitch face which was a lot less charming compared to Kamri.

When the bell rung signaling lunch we all got up and headed towards our lockers. Kamri looked at me and said "Let's go eat some more of their gross slop." I look at her "yep" I sigh. We walk to the cafeteria and Kamri continues to make her stupidly funny faces. We get in line and talk about random things.

Then when we sit down at the table Molly and Becca sits next to us. Becca is more shy and timid compared to anyone else in the group. Just as we were finished, one of the popular girls, Vicki dumps some water on me. What really made me mad was her cocky damn smile. I got up and slapped the shit out of her face.

She looked at me in awe and then she yells "What the hell, you damn whore!" I smirk, then she tries to punch me but gets stopped by one of our teachers, which sends us up to the principle.

As I entered the principle's office Vicki and the teacher disappeared. The room grew dark with a silhouette standing in front of me. My heart started racing as the figure stood, unflinching. I tried to get out but the door was locked and blocked by something. I turned back to the figure, this time it was closer, then my vision turned white.


I wake up in sweat, as I realized it was just a dream. I started to whimper, scared to death of the thing that haunted me most. I looked around the room everything was normal. It was the middle of the night around midnight. I tried to sleep again but tossed and turned until...

I opened my eyes and saw the figure again, It slowly came closer. I couldn't move at all, all I could do was look around while it got even closer. I could only muster the words "help me" in a cracked voice. But of course that wouldn't do a thing against my enemy, standing in front of me. It creeped closer, but what was weird was that I never saw any facial features, almost as if they didn't even have a face.

I was sure I would die, the fear was so suffocating.

Then I woke up, for real this time. The clouds were drifting, like a solid sheet in the sky, from what I could see through my window. I sat up, dazed from the dream, thinking why does this always happen?

Maybe it was karma or something I had done? or I could just be extremely unlucky, my whole life has almost been a living hell. Of course I found what I like and want to do the rest of my life but I've always had the worst luck. Unless it wasn't luck or any kind of coincidence but no matter, I still have these problems and somehow I need to fix them.

After zoning out for a while I get out of bed and looked at my clock... 9 am already. Another day of doing absolutely nothing with my pathetic life. I got dressed, a white T-shirt and some hardly-fitting jeans, my hair was a complete mess. My whole life is a complete mess...

I sigh and walk out of my room getting ready for another worthless day, well maybe not completely worthless, I mean maybe something interesting will happen today...

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